Friday 6 June 2014

My top 5 best villains of all time

5. Voldemort (Harry Potter): Anytime Voldemort is on screen in the Harry Potter movies I just love it. He just steals the show and I love his performance. The way he uses his magi is really cool to watch. And I'd say that his best scene is his final fight with Harry. It's a really good fight. So I think he's a good villain because he a good fighter, manipulator, killer, magic user and a good user because he had a bunch of henchmen.
4. Master Xeanort (Kingdom Hearts): This guy is great. Not only is he a master planner but he's also a great manipulator, deceiver, charmer, evil Keyblade wielder, teacher for Darkness and pretend friend, if you know what I mean. Everything that's happened in the games has all been according to his plan for knowledge. He's also a really good explainer. For example when he's tell King Micky and Riku  about everything that's happened, he doesn't scream it out to them or control them to sit down and listen, he's just simply just sitting down on a thrown and he isn't doing much then talking normally and honestly like how a normal villain like him should do something like that. So yeah he's just a great villain.
3. Dr Nefarious (Ratchet & Clank): This villain is hilarious. He's a robot who wants to turn everyone into a robot too. The design on him is pretty cool too. Also his voice is funny. Also he has a sort of radio thing in his head that picks up broadcast and movie bits if he freaks out too much and he's left frozen unless slaps him and it's really funny. In the game "Ratchet & Clank All 4 one" you actually get to play as him and it's fun to. Yeah Ratchet & Clank is a series of video games. They're really fun, entertaining games. Nefarious helps make that possible in my opinion. So I'm just saying Dr Nefarious is funny, fun, entertaining and an evil genius.
2/1. Shen/Maleficent (Kung-Fu Panda/Sleeping Beauty): I had a hard time trying to decide which I like best, Shen or Maleficent. I decided to put them in a tie because I couldn't decide witch should go 1st. As I've said a bunch of times I think that Shen and Maleficent are really great villains. Maleficent is a great villain because she's powerful, she's classy, she's loud, she's quiet, she's despicable, she's over the top, she's everything you want in a villain. Then there's Shen. He's a lot of things that Maleficent is. Another thing that great about them are their designs. They both look awesome. Also one of the things that Shen that Maleficent isn't is funny. I mean Shen is hilarious. So I both like them equally because they're both amazing villains.

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