Monday 21 March 2016


Zootropolis is Disney's newest Classic, number 54. And I was looking forward to seeing this for a while. Not just because it's a Disney Classic, if you know what I mean, but also because I heard so many fantastic reviews for the movie. It even got a 99% on Rotten Tomatoes. And I'm going to tell the entire story. So if you don't want it spoiled, watch the movie then read this. What's the story? It starts off with our main character named Judy Hopps, who's a rabbit, as a kid showing her class about what it's like to do good in the world and says that when she's older, she wants to be a police. But everyone says she can't be one because a rabbit has never been a police before. And afterwards, she help some people from a bully. So years later, she does manage to become a police officer and moves to a place called Zootropolis. There, she's treated as not important because she's a rabbit. And so the only job she's given is parking duty. But during her first day, she meets a fox named Nick. She helps him when the ice cream shop they're in won't give him what he asked. But it turns out it was just a ruse to get her to buy it for him. It's actually a huge ice pop and then he melts it down and makes small ones and sells them along with his assistant. It turns out he's been doing stuff like this his whole life. While chasing him, Judy loses him and the next day, she chases a weasel with a bad of onions he's robbed. She manages to get him but her boss is angry because she did something that wasn't her job. He's about to fire her but then a woman comes in asking for someone to find her husband who's been missing for 2 weeks. Judy says she'll do it and her boss and her make a deal. If she finds him in 2 days, she gets to keep her job but if not, she gets fired. While doing the investigation, Judy realises that Nick actually sold the husband an ice pop and asks him to help her or else she'll tell everyone that he's been hussling people like this for a long time. And he suggests going to a DMV for help at where the weasel's car is. And let me just say that the scene in the DMV is one of funniest scenes in the movies. I won't ruin it but once you see it, you're going to love it. Trust me. And afterwards, they find he was last in a taxi and Nick knows the people in the taxi saying the people belong to a tiny creature named Mr. Big. When they're taken to him, he says they should talk to the taxi driver and when they do, the taxi driver says the weasel attacked all of the people in the taxi saying he went crazy. And he also says "Beware of the of the Night Howlers." Just then he transforms into a monster and chases the 2 of them. Judy tries to call for help but when they arrive, the creature has gone. The next day, they go to meet the president and see the video of last night. They see that the creature was taken away by some wolves and taken to a secret place inside the tunnel. They go there and find the creature who attacked them and the weasel husband who's been transformed into the same kind of monster. As they try to free him, the president comes in and talks to his scientist and telling him to not tell anyone about this. Judy and Nick think he's a bad guy and the one responsible for the transformations. So he's arrested and while at a press conference afterwards, Judy says something that makes Nick upset with her. He leaves and she begins to feel guilty about it and because of it, she resigns and goes home. But when she does, she realises the Night Howlers that the taxi driver was talking about are actually flowers and that's what's causing these monsters to transform. After finding Nick and having him trust her again, the 2 of them find a person named Doug in a train who is using the flowers to make them into small ball shaped objects and using them on people to turn into the monsters. When he leaves, they start the train and drive off but Doug and his men chase after them. Then after grabbing the gun they use to shoot the balls, they're about to run off to show the new president, but then it's revealed that she's actually the villain of the movie and she uses the gun on Nick. It looks like he's become a monster and it looks like he's about to eat Judy but then they show that they were just pretending and show that they loaded the gun with blueberries then as the new president is talking about her plan, the police heard everything and then she's arrested. And the movie ends with another joke that I won't spoil about speeding. I won't ruin it but if you go see the movie, you'll know what I mean. It's hard to believe that Disney was able to make a movie like this and make it very entertaining, funny, interesting and have likeable and funny characters. And when I say that I mean, it's kinda like Chicken Little where animals act like people and there are no people at all. But unlike that movie, this one is actually a great movie where the other was pretty bad. Firstly, the characters all have likeability and a lot of comedy. One of my favourite characters in the whole movie was a huge Leopard named Benjamin Clawhauser. He is so funny. He's one of the best comic reliefs in this new Disney Renaissance ever in my opinion. The best joke he has in my opinion is the joke he says about doughnuts. Just see it and you'll know what I mean. I'm not sure who's my favourite character, but I do like a lot of them. Another thing that really surprised me was the animation. When I saw it in the trailer, I thought the animation looked a little too weird. Like with the C.G.I in the other movies like Tangled, Wreck-It Ralph, Frozen and Big Hero 6, the animation kinda had a very realistic look to it and the living things did look like really real things but here, it looks more like it just something out of either a stop-motion movie or something out of a cartoon where even they know it's a cartoon, they don't have to put as much work into it as a movie like Kung-Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomeness. But instead I found the tone of this animation fits this world perfectly and it does have much more to it than I thought and there's more work put into it. And on top of that, there's another joke in this that made me laugh so hard. While out, Judy and Nick meet a guy on the street selling DVDs. And guess what? The movies are animalised versions of the 5 movies before this like The Princess and the Frog, Tangled, Wreck-It Ralph, Frozen and Big Hero 6. Seeing that almost made me die of laughter. I was so surprised they actually did that. I was so amazed. And finally, I also think the story is very interesting with interesting characters. Which is odd for me because for a story like this, when you really get down to it isn't really that creative. I mean it is totally but I feel like I've seen this before. But when watching it, you really just ignore that fact because the rest is so amazing. I love when movies can do that. Make me recognise a story I've seen before but I still love it nonetheless. So yeah. I didn't see many flaws with the film. In fact, I think if you were to ask me or other YouTubers who reviewed this movie, we would probably say we didn't really see a flaw because we were enjoying so much. (By the way, there's actually another Disney Classic coming out around the end of this year called Moana. And yes, I am going to do a review of it when it comes out.) So, if you have the time, definitely check it out in cinemas. You won't regret it.

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