Monday 8 August 2016

Finding Dory

And now people. I've done it. On Saturday, I was with my dad and brother in Dublin and we went to see Finding Dory in the cinema. I was obviously really excited for it. I mean I love Pixar movies and I love Finding Nemo and that was the first movie I saw in the cinema. I even rewatched Finding Nemo before I saw this and now I've finally seen it and now I'm going to review it. And again, I will be discussing about the whole story so if you haven't seen this yet, go see it then read this. What's the story? It opens up with a flashback of Dory as a young kid with her parents and then it cuts to present day, as in after the events of Finding Nemo. One day when Nemo is at school, Dory is there too and when she's there, she begins to remember some more about her past as a kid and decides that she's going to go and find her parents. Nemo and Marlin tag along too. They swim along and we even see Crush and the other sea turtles again which is awesome considering Crush and the other turtles were some the best parts of the original. They keep swimming until something that Dory does something that causes Nemo to get hurt and she feels guilty about it. She begins to swim off but then she's caught by some people in a boat, of course. She's taken to a marine building and Marlin and Nemo get after her but can't catch up. Inside one of the rooms that Dory is in, she meets an octopus named Hank and he agrees to help her but only if he can have the tag that the people put on her. Dory thinks her parents are here and throughout the whole journey she begins to get more and more memories back about her parents and her past and leading up to years of her wandering around the ocean until she met Marlin in the first movie. Outside Marlin and Nemo are trying to get inside the building. They manage to thanks to a bird but of course things don't all go so well. Also at the place Dory meets her old childhood friend. A whale named Destiny. And with that we even find out how she began to speak whale. You all know what I mean, don't you? Anyway, they tell her where her parents are and she tries to go to the room where they're supposed to be at. She's goes along with Hank to it but then when she gets there, they aren't there and she thinks that they're in another room. She goes inside the pipes to get there and she even manages to run into Marlin and Nemo again after they go there too. They begin to go to the room where they're supposed to be but then some stuff happens but they manage to get to the room and find other Blue Tangs like her but they unfortunately tell her that her parents have been gone from there for years. Maybe even dead. She begins to get sad but the box that they in is leaving in a truck that's heading somewhere else. Dory manages to escape and go into the ocean again but it turns out that her parents are there and she reunites with them but then she realises that she has to save Marlin and Nemo from inside the truck. They manage to find it and get Hank to help but then Marlin and Nemo escape but Dory and Hank are in it now until they manage to get to the front of the truck and drive it themselves. They drive it into the sea and they escape and they begin to head back to Marlin and Nemo's home. Sometime later, Nemo is at school again and Marlin, Dory, her parents and Hank are there and while Nemo goes off to school again, Marlin and Dory swim off to the Drop Off again and they look out over the sea. That is literally the whole story. There may have been 1 or 2 parts I didn't mention but that a main summary of it. So straight up right now, I will admit 1 thing. Even though I absolutely love this movie and I really, really love it, I will admit that it's not as good as the first. Yeah, I know that's a weird thing to start off with but I thought I would get that out of the way first. In fact, I'm not the first person to say that. Watch Animat's review and he'll say that same thing. But too be fair, this is sill an absolutely amazing and fantastic movie. The first big positive is that the first important thing about any Pixar movie is the characters and this movie not only brings back the old ones that we all love, but it also introduces new ones that are just as entertaining. The music is also fantastic again. That was another thing that was great about the original. And even if we are familiar about this kind of story because we saw something like it in the first, we kinda ignore that because this is such an excellently made film. One thing I do want to say though as a warning is that don't expect to see Bruce, Anchor or Chum in this because they aren't here. In case you don't know, they were the 3 sharks from the first movie. Also, my brother told me that there was supposed to be a mid-credit scene or an after-credit scene where we see the tank gang again. We didn't stay long enough to check but if you do go see it, stay for after the credits because there might be a scene after it. And of course, let's talk about one of, if not, the best part of the original and this movie, the animation. Oh, my god. The animation from the original was ground breaking and even today it's still some of Pixar's best and here they managed to out do themselves big time with it. I was blown away by how absolutely beautiful this movie looked. The people at Pixar totally knew what they were doing with the animation when they did it because here, it looks outstanding. Another thing that shocked me in this is that here, Dory actually says Marlin's name which is surprising and good to me because she never said his name at all in the first movie. I know that's weird to bring up but I wanted to say it. And, in case you're wondering, this movie indeed funny. I was laughing my head off a lot in this movie. I would say my favourite joke was probably the joke they made inside the pipes when Destiny's friend, Bailey, who is a beluga whale and he's able to see with his voice and he sees Dory with 2 other fish and he thinks they're eating her but it's really just Nemo and Marlin. That was hilarious. And in case your wondering who my favourite character is, it's actually Nemo again. Yeah, he was my favourite character in the first movie and I really liked him there but now that he's with Marlin and Dory in this big adventure, which is great. I liked that and I still like his optimism and his innocence. He was still great in this. And of course the acting is fantastic again. Ellen DeGeneres is again perfect as Dory. She has great timing, comedy and dramatic moments too. And while we're on that subject, the movie is very dramatic again. I don't think it was as dramatic as the first but still a very dramatic film. But it's hard to top the first movie in terms of drama considering the first movie was very dramatic and easily the most dramatic Pixar movie ever. And that was great, it was absolutely fantastic with it's drama in the first movie it still is here. I don't even know what else to say about this. It's just another amazing Pixar movie and one of the best sequels Pixar has made. The first movie was a landmark when it came to animated movies and we all went nuts for it. We were all absolutely in love with it and now this is a fantastic follow up. It's definitely another piece of brilliant writing coming from the hearts at Pixar which is still my favourite film studio of all time. What else could you want. Finding Dory is absolutely amazing Pixar movie and you should definitely go out and see it and you will love it just like I do. Thank you all for reading and please comment down below.

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