Wednesday 16 August 2017

My top 10 Stan Lee cameos

Where there's a Marvel movie, there's bound to be a cameo from Stan the man himself. So here, I'm looking at 10 Marvel movies and deciding which of them were my favourite. Being the most famous person at Marvel an the creator to some of the greatest superheroes of all time, Stan has appeared in almost every Marvel movie ever made. So here I'm counting down my top 10 favourites. So, here we go and I hope you all enjoy.
10. Hulk:
Image result for hulk 2003 stan lee
Starting us off is Stan's cameo from the original terrible Hulk movie from 2003. While the movie itself may have been a huge let down, the Stan Lee cameo was probably the best part of it. When Bruce is going to the science facility, Stan comes out talking to a security guard, which is also a cameo because the guard is played by Lou Ferrigno who played the Hulk in the 70's Incredible Hulk show. And seeing Stan coming out and talking to guy like that was cool.
9. Fantastic 4: Rise of the Silver Surfer:
Image result for fantastic four rise of the silver surfer stan lee cameo
In the sequel to the 2005 Fantastic 4, Reed Richards and Sue Storm are getting married, Stan appears as a wedding guest who gets kicked out for the guy not believing it's actually him. Huh, not being allowed to come to the wedding of characters you created. How's that for irony?
8. Thor:
Image result for thor 2011 stan lee
In this tale of a god banished to Earth, he also loses his hammer with a ton of guys trying to lift it. And one of the guys is Stan trying to lift it by trying a chain around it and driving truck to pull it free, but it fails, obviously. And it's both hilarious and jarring that he'd try something like that.
7. Captain America: The Winter Soldier:
Image result for captain america the winter soldier stan lee
One of the recent Marvel movies to come out in the last couple of years is Stan's appearance in 2014's Captain America: The Winter Soldier. In his cameo in this movie, Stan plays a security guard in the Captain America museum realising the Captain America costume that was up for display has been stolen and he knows he's going to get fired.
6. Captain America: Civil War:

Another one of the most recent Marvel movies and another Captain America movie is Stan's cameo from Captain America: Civil War. After we go from this sad and heart-breaking scene with Cap and Bucky vs. Iron Man, we get this hilarious scene of Stan as a Fed Ex delivery man delivering a box to Tony from Steve while also not getting his name right. Both beyond funny and a great shift in tone, this cameo make it's mark as one of the best Stan Lee cameos ever to me.
5. Avengers: Age of Ultron:

Next up is Stan's appearance in the first team-up movie on this list. At the Avenger's party inside the new Avengers Tower, Stan shows up as a man who doubts Thor's story on his drink. When Thor tells everyone about a drink that's been around for a long time and wouldn't be able to be digested by a mortal, Stan doesn't believe him and asks for some which makes him feel woozy and say his popular catchphrase, "Excelsior."
4. Ant-Man:
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The other movie to come out of 2015, this scene come from the ending of this superhero heist movie. When Luis is telling Scott about Sam, he mentions how his cousin was talking to a bar tender and the bar tender is Stan. Being completely unpredictable, this last minute cameo was an amazing thing to see. Especially when we hear Luis's voice coming from him like the other characters we see Luis talking about.
3. The Avengers:
Image result for avengers stan lee cameo
Stan's appearance in his famous team's first big screen movie is at number 3. After the battle of Manhattan against the Chitauri, the Avengers are celebrated on TV screen watched by Nick Fury. And on one of these screens is Stan saying he even doubts the existence of superheroes at all. Both a huge shock and strange, this hilarious scene was funny even with it's first second.
2. The Amazing Spider-Man:
Image result for the amazing spider-man stan lee
Probably the most famous Stan Lee cameo of all time is in the first Amazing Spider-Man. When Spider-Man and the Lizard crash into the library, Stan Lee is listening to music as a librarian not noticing anything that's going on. Being hilarious and unreal, this cameo stands out as one of the best ever. And it's also funny that he's completely oblivious from the madness and action behind him with no sound other than the music on his headphones.
And my number 1 favourite Stan Lee cameo is... Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2:
Image result for stan lee guardians of the galaxy vol 2
And finally at number 1 is Stan's cameo from one of the most recent Marvel movies, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2. When Rocket, Yondu and Baby Groot are going flying off to Ego's planet, we see Stan on a rock surface talking to the Watchers. So that sorta makes fun of the theory of him being the Watcher. And he's telling them about his different cameos in these movies. The one we hear him talking about are when he played the Fed Ex guy in Civil War last year. It was awesome and it was great to get a cameo from him that acknowledged the other cameos as well. That was amazing. And it was also great when it appeared in the after-credit scene. And so everyone, those are my top 10 favourite Stann Lee cameos in Marvel movies. Thank you all for reading and please comment down below to tell me what your favourite is.

1 comment:

  1. nice work! you should totally do a review on shrek super slam and spy kids three
