Friday 29 September 2017

The Lion Guard: Rescue in the Outlands

So kinda finishing the new Lion Guard episode reviews for a while is the last one on the most recent list I made for it. And, like I said in that entry, this was my most anticipated episode out of that whole list. And, yeah, another really enjoyable episode, but, not perfect. Still pretty good though. And, like the other episodes I've reviewed, this will have spoilers, so if you want to see it and don't want anything spoiled, go see it then read this. What's the story? The Guard try to keep some flies away from some animals with them being a real bother lately. But that's not all, Janja, Cheezi and Chungu are wandering through the Outlands until Jasiri shows up claiming that they're on her turf. She fights them off and they run off and tell Scar who gets the idea to kill her. So when Jasiri, those two hyena cubs and Madoa are playing, they ambush them and force Jasiri and the cubs into a lava vent. Madoa goes to get the Guard and they head there to save them. They fight off the hyenas who're trying to keep them from getting to them and they get her out. And that's really it. Kinda basic, but I think the delivery of the episode itself is what makes it for me. For one thing, obviously, for me, what makes this good is actually seeing Jasiri back again. I really like Jasiri and it's always awesome to see her show up in the new episodes. And, not only her, but also her family like Madoa and those two cubs. And there were some funny moments too like there's a scene where that zebra guy things he's the best at direction and Fuli just laughs at it. That was pretty funny. Although, that whole zebra thing is the problem I have with the episode. I never really liked that zebra in the show before, but thankfully he was never in the show that much. Here though, they give him way too much screen time and he's really annoying. Other than that though, the episode is still pretty good. The opening's cool, like the previously mentioned fight between Jasiri, Janja, Cheezi and Chungu. I will admit I was kinda disappointed we didn't get to see the Outsiders considering it looks like Scar is trying to get everyone in the Outlands on his side, but, I guess we'll just have to wait some other time for that. The song is fine again, not one of the best, but it looked visually cool. I actually thought the Guard themselves as well had more things to do here than they've all had to do for a while. It's all done so no one feels left out or anything like that. And I like it when something like this manages to balance it's characters really well like that. And going back to the funny parts, I also found the whole Bunga scene during the middle part and at the end funny when he's trying to get at all the flies. So yeah, like some of the other episodes before, not exactly a whole lot to say about this one. It's good and I guess it was kinda worth the wait. And I guess that's a bit of a break from the Lion Guard episodes for a while until they announce the new episodes after this. As soon as they do, I'll let all of you know. Like always, thank you all for reading and please comment down below to tell me what you think.

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