Saturday 16 September 2017

The Lion Guard: Swept Away

So, moving away from Kingdom Hearts for this one entry, we just got the latest episode today for the Lion Guard, Swept Away. I had actually completely forgotten about this until yesterday and so I was waiting today for it and then I watched it. And what'd I think of it? Good, but, again, not exactly anything extraordinary. There were some great things in it like some ideas, but, it's just good to me. And, yes, this will have some spoilers so if you want to see it, go see it and then read this. What's the story? Kion and the others are freeing a bunch of zebras from the ground they're stuck in. But it's still the dry season so it's hard to get them out with them being really stuck. But Kion then sees a cloud and remembers what Zira told him in the Outlands how he can roar at a cloud to make it rain. So he does but there's too much rain and they manage to get them free. However, Beshte was trying to stop the water from hitting them but then he gets washed away to the Outlands. So now he has to find his way back while the others are looking for him too. But the lizards who know the Hyenas and Ushari spot him and try to trick him into a trap for the Hyenas to attack him. All while Beshte isn't doing so good himself with the hot sun burning him so he's trying to get some shade. That's as far as I'll go there. So first, what did I like here, obviously all the things I always talk about with these Lion Guard episodes are still great here. Voice cast, animation, locations and all that. The song is... fine. It's sorta like a different style of what they usually do with songs with it almost kinda seeming like a normal rhyme. But, I think what I like the most is Scar's involvement with this because, if you remember in a previous Scar is still in the volcano in the Outlands. So it was his idea to try to kill Beshte. But, like some of the other episodes I've talked about before, I really like the journey in the episode. As in Beshte trying to go through the Outlands. They even bring back those lizards as I said before and I think they way they do them in this episode is the same as when Kion was in the Outlands and he met Jasiri. But here, they do a reversal on it. As in they have it where Beshte meets the lizards and they offer to take him back to the Pride Lands, just like Jasiri did, but they're just trying to trick him into falling for their trap. And so I did like that. I also liked the whole Guard going to find him. The episode has a few funny scenes. Especially one scene in particular that was really funny to me. I also liked the call-back to the Lions of the Outlands episode where Kion does the roar on the cloud. That was cool to see again. Although, kinda going back to what I just said a second ago, with Scar now in the volcano, I think, and this is kinda off topic, but still, I think it would be pretty cool to see Zira and the other Outsiders going to him and making a plan with him. Sorry I got off subject there. I'm just saying. But back to the episode, I also like the whole scene in the volcano with the villains, that had some funny parts. Speaking of which, there's a really funny scene with Cheezi and Chungu. They're usually really funny because of how stupid they are. And there's a scene with them that's really funny in the volcano.
Sorry if this review isn't very big, but I think when I do these Lion Guard episode reviews, I don't really know what to say that I haven't already said in these other reviews. I just sorta run out of new synonyms to describe everything. This is just another enjoyable episode and I would recommend seeing it. Again, sorry it's not very big, but that's really all I got to say. So, yeah, even though this review's not big, I do think you should go watch this. Thank you all for reading and please comment down below to tell me what you think.

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