Thursday 20 August 2020

My paintings of Berserk characters

All right, so for the last of these latest anime paintings I'm doing, I decided to do ones for Berserk. This is definitely a somewhat different one from the others because Berserk is not only a series I finished recently in regards to the original anime series, but also in terms of different kinda anime compared to the other anime I usually watch. Berserk is a super, super dark fantasy series that's probably the darkest anime I've ever seen. And I didn't do many characters for this one, I just did three characters. But they were the three characters I thought were most relevant in the series I've seen so far. I know the manga is still going and is constantly on hiatus like Hunter X Hunter, which I mentioned before. And so, I tried really hard with the characters I did because their designs are a bit more realistic compared to other anime character designs and I tried to be really careful with them too. Again, if you're ever hoping to watch the series, be warned, it's super dark and super disturbing, so just keep that in mind if you ever wanna start it. Anyway, here they are and I hope you all like these.



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