Wednesday 12 August 2020

My paintings of Yu-Gi-Oh! GX characters

So, recently, I've been watching more anime and one of them is one that I saw a bit in my childhood, Yu-Gi-Oh! GX. I watched the full three seasons that are released here along with some others and now I decided to do some paintings of those different animes I've watched recently and I'm hoping I'll do another series of anime reviews where I talk about them. And so, the first one of these new anime paintings is Yu-Gi-Oh! GX. I remember seeing this in bits and piece when I was a kid, but thankfully, I watched the entire series recently when I got all seasons released here on DVD. And so, when I did these, they were definitely trickier than others because Yu-Gi-Oh characters are always hard to draw, but I tried my hardest with these and hopefully you all like them. And so, here they are and I hope you all like these.





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