Monday 25 August 2014

Alice in wonderland

Disney's version Alice in is the only version I know of it. But that's not bad version to think of. What's the story? Well having it be Alice in Wonderland it is pretty simple. A little girl named "Alice" falls into a magic rabbit hole and ends up in "Wonderland." She tries to find a walking talking white rabbit and on the way she comes across a bunch of mysterious things like The Mad Hatter, The Cheshire Cat and the villain for the movie The Queen Of Hearts. There's a lot of weird things in this movie like the animation in this is pretty odd but not bad and even the designs and the way a lot of these characters are pretty odd especially with how they move. Alice herself is an entertaining character especially the voice actress is pretty good. I actually found a lot of personality with her. I mean she's polite, nice but can be pushed to her limits. I would of loved to have seen more of her because if they did she would of been a bit more entertaining. But for what we gotshe's O.K. The queen is an O.K villain I guess I mean yeah I found her to be boring too but I also found her to be pretty funny especially when she has a serious anger issue. Most of the backgrounds in this is really dark. In fact yeah most of Wonderland is black and dark. But when we get to the bright and colourful parts it's great because it's very rarely we'd see it. I really like the characters that Alice meets. They're funny and they're mysterious. As the Disney films go I'd say this one is O.K. It's not one of my favourites but it's alright.

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