Wednesday 6 August 2014

Snow White and the seven Dwarfs

Remember when I said was going to review the 2-D animated Disney movies? I'm going to do that now. I'm only going to do the ones I've seen and liked so not all of them. I'm going to start with first animated film ever Snow White and the seven Dwarfs. Having it be the first animated film ever it makes sense making it a fairy tale. So what's the story? Well it being the first one I guess it is pretty is simple. An evil queen wants to be the "Fairest of them all" but finds out there's only one person in her way, the princess "Snow White." So one day she sends a hunter to kill her but he can't do it because she's the princess so he tells Snow White to run away. Along the way she finds a cottage filled with seven Dwarfs who welcome her into their lives. But once the queen finds out Snow White is still alive she transforms herself into an old hag and makes a poised apple to kill her. The story is as basic as you can imagine. Every half of it is for children and adult. Children can get into the story and the characters while the adults might find themselves sucked into the artwork, colours and the scary and creepy imagery. In fact yeah having it be as old as it is and it able to throw in this really creepy stuff is really impressive. Snow White herself is an O.K character. I mean there isn't anything fascinating about her but she is kind, she is patient and she isn't the kind to raise her voice at anything easily. The Dwarfs are what everyone remembers. The way they're animated, their personalities and the fact that their emotion status also happens to be their names. The queen is obviously the villain and yeah she's a pretty boring one. I mean she doesn't do or say much, so yeah that pretty much explains it. What keeps her going is the animation on her. She's just drawn great. And the design on her after the transformation is another thing that people remember about this movie. So really there's a lot of things to admire and a lot of things and characters to like. Having this be the first animated film ever this is really, really impressive. I'd say that's a lot of reason why it worth being looked at.

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