Saturday 8 March 2014

Kung-Fu Panda 2

Alright. So you guy know that I love the first Kung-Fu Panda. You know that I love the movie and the characters and the joke and so forth. So that's  putting a lot of pressure on it's sequel "Kung-Fu Panda 2." And what did I think of that? Honestly... it's even better than the first. That's right. I don't even think this movie is as great as the original, but it surpasses it. Like Toy Story, with the first one setting the popularity bar and this time even the bar of the movie going up really high. The first movie ups the joke, characters, action and even drama. Yeah there's good animation and acting this movie. So what's the story? Po returns as the Dragon Warrior. But a new threat has come. A peacock named "Shen" threatens China with a huge cannon. And in the past he has wiped out all the pandas. Why? Because a Soothsayer said that a panda is the only thing that will defeat him. He want's to take back the land that he says is rightfully his. So Po and the Furious five go to defeat him. But they discover that not only that he has a greater army than they expected but they also find out the secret of Po's backstory and the reveal of his real parents. Yeah in the first one, Po lives with his adoptive goose father named "Mr Ping." Rather then tell the story in the first one or rehash anything they actually decide to continue the story, like a good sequel should. Po is not only learning more as a person but he's also learning more in his fighting skills. And the Furious five aren't just making fun of him anymore, they're actually beginning to really respect. I actually think there a really good real believable friendship between him and them including Tigress. And again all the skills he's learning has a very heavy lean towards marshal philosophy and ethics. This one leading towards learning to conquer yourself before you conquer your enemies. Remember how I said in the first one the ending was kinda anti-climatic because Tai-lung wasn't that impressive. Shen is the exact opposite. Shen is a great villain. He has a fantastic backstory he, has a great design, he has a devious voice. He's actually a better fighter than Tai-lung was. I liked the first movie a lot but this one is way better. This one also threw in a few more twists and turns a made it a bit more dramatic. Heck, when I saw it in the cinema I think I heard people crying at some scenes in this movie. Yes, Kung-Fu Panda 2 actually made people cry in the cinema. That a dang impressive feet. To be honest I have no problems with this movie at all. I think it's another one of those perfect films with everything being stepped up to the next level. Even a better villain. And guess what? There's going to be a Kung-Fu Panda 3 in 2016. I'm really excited. This is a film series that just get's better and better and I hope the third one can make everyone want to show it to everyone they know.  you liked the first one, than you're definitely going to love the second one.

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