Saturday 8 March 2014


The story begins with an ogre named “Shrek” who lives in a swamp and he scares people so he can be left alone. A man called “Farquad” sends fairy tale creatures to Shrek’s swamp. Shrek isn’t happy so he goes to him and tell him that he’s not happy so Farquad makes a deal with him. He’ll get rid of all the creatures in his swamp and Shrek saves a princess named “Fiona” so he can marry her to become king. Shrek agrees and they do just that. As they continue on back to Farquad, Shrek and Fiona begin to develop feelings for each other. When they make it back, Shrek then realises where his heart truly lies. Fiona has a secret that every time the sun goes down she turns into an ogre herself. In the end Fiona and Shrek get married and I should also say that another main character is a donkey named “Donkey”, yes I’m serious. He’s the funniest character in Shrek ever. Shrek is by far my favourite DreamWorks story saga I’ve ever seen. The stories are amazing, the comedy is hilarious and the music is so contagious that you either want to listen to it forever or sing it over and over. Shrek one was probably one of the first movies I ever saw and it just kept blowing me away every single time I saw it and as I kept getting older I understood and liked it more and more. The characters just blend into you and you really feel sympathy for all the characters.

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