Saturday 8 March 2014

Kung-Fu Panda

Kung-Fu Panda is a great film. I t was actually made by the some company that made Shrek, called "DreamWorks." So what's the story. In China there lives a Panda named "Po." He's a big fan of the "Furious five." A group of marshal artists. Just to clarify everyone in this movie is an animal. One day the great, wise master turtle named "Oogway."is about to chose who of the furious five is going to be the "Dragon Warrior," the marshal artists who will stop the evil "Tai-lung," who has broken out of prison and is on his way to their village to get revenge. Po get flung into the mix and Oogway selects him. Everyone, including Po himself thinks that Oogway has made a mistake. but Oogway says that he is the dragon warrior so he decides to go along with his plan. Po's new teacher named "Shifu" doesn't like that a random person who looks clumsy and kinda stupid, which he kinda is, tries to train Po so hard he'll want to go away. But Po is so excited and so full of determination he doesn't even think of it. When they release that Tai-lung is coming, the race is on to get Po to be the real Dragon warrior before Tai-lung gets there. The movie is really pretty to look at with world they create. The characters are pretty cool with their personalities and characteristics. Po is very likable with his innocents and his needs to never give-up. The furious five all have good personalities and are all pretty well developed. Since at first their kinda mean, stuck-up, kinda arrogant and rude. But by the end they're all nice, likable and funny. Who are they? There's a girl tiger named "Tigress." A mantis named "Mantis." A girl snake named "Viper." A monkey named "Monkey," And a crane named "Crane." The movie also does surprisingly well with mixing in drama, despite the fact that it's supposed to be a comedy and an action film and it mixes in all those elements in brilliantly. The fight scenes are unbelievable and are awesome looking. If I did have one problem with the movie is that the ending is kinda anti-climatic. Why? Because throughout the whole move we've been told over and over of how awesome and strong Tai-lung is, and yet he's able to beat Shifu and the furious five. And yet he couldn't beat Po. I mean I didn't want to see him kill Po because he's the hero and I like him. Kung-Fu Panda is a great film for both children and adults of any age. It's funny, it's cool, it's pretty and let's not forget, it's awesome.

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