Sunday 19 March 2017

The Lion Guard: Beshte and the Hippo Lanes

And now we've come to the newest Lion Guard episode released a couple of days ago, Beshte and the Hippo Lanes. I don't think I was as excited for this as much as other episodes because I wasn't hearing much about it before I saw it and when I did see it last night, I enjoyed it yet again. It also focuses on something that was never that important before in the show so far, the relationship between Beshte and his father, Basi. And the connection between the two of them is really nice. And yes, I will be talking about the full story so if you don't want it spoiled and you want to see it with no knowledge of what's going to happen, go watch it and then read this. So, let's begin. What's the story? It opens up with Beshte and his father making Hippo Lanes which is going through long grass and trampling on them to make a path for the other animals. But as they're helping one animal, Basi gets his legs hurt and now Beshte has to do the Hippo Lanes himself. But now that that's happened, Makuu takes advantage of this and gets an idea to attack some zebras as they're coming. So then we get a cool song when Beshte is helping animals get through them.
After that, Kion, Fuli, Bunga and Ono help a bunch of zebras get to the other side of a cliff because a storm's coming. But as they get around the cliff, they find a bunch of rocks in their way.
But it turns out Beshte did the Lanes wrong so now the animals are confused and Makuu and the other crocodiles take advantage of this. As the zebras are going through it, they attack but then Beshte and his dad stop them.
And the ending is them all admiring the new Lanes. And that's it. Firstly, I would say the song in this is kinda the same as the past few. It's good, but just not that spectacular. It's still good though. And as I said, another good thing here is seeing more of Basi and him and Beshte together too. They're really good together. And seeing them all interacting is great. Kevin Michael Richardson is also really good as the voice of Basi and the whole thing with the zebras is, kinda annoying, but also pretty funny. It was also cool to see Makuu back as the villain after a while. I mean, I think the last time we saw him was in the Never Roar Again episode. He's back and pretty cool again. The animation in this is still incredible and the whole effects they use here are really cool like water, rain and other things like that like always. And I would say the best part of it for me is the whole scene with the end climax. That's almost always the best part of all the Lion Guard episodes in my opinion. And this is no exception. The whole ending of this is a lot of fun and the way Beshte and Basi manage to outsmart Makuu and the other crocs is brilliant. As far as what I didn't entirely like here, there isn't much, but a few things that I didn't like were, for one, as I said, I didn't entirely like the whole zebra thing with them being kinda lazy and stupid which was kinda annoying. While still pretty funny at times, it was a little annoying at times. And I would say the other last thing I didn't like as much as the rest was a bit of the middle bit of the episode. It kinda slows down a little and not a whole lot happens, which is a little strange because the middle is usually some of the best in these episodes, but here, it was a little slow and not a lot happened. But aside from that, there isn't anything else I didn't like. This is another really good Lion Guard episode and it was great to see these characters be the great characters they are like Kion and the rest again and I can't wait to see it again and I especially can't wait for the next episode, Scar's Ghost Of The Night, next month. I know that that will be a really, really great episode and I can't wait until it airs. Thank you all for reading and please comment down below to tell me what you think of this.

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