Wednesday 11 October 2017

Dragons: Riders of Berk

So for these next few entries I'll be doing reviews for the three TV shows based off of the How To Train Your Dragon movie series from DreamWorks, one of my favourite animated franchises ever. I've already spoken about the two main movies before, I have reviews for both of them so, if you haven't already, go read them if you want. The reason I've decided to do reviews for these is because I just recently finished watching all of Dragons: Race to the Edge on Netflix. So here we go with the first of these shows, Dragons: Riders of Berk. If you've seen the movies then you know what happens and this show takes place right after the first movie where Hiccup and everyone on Berk have made friends with the dragons. And now they're all cooperating with each other. But there are those who still hate dragons and want them all killed. The main villain here is a guy named Alvin who's the leader of the Outcasts. And with him who hates dragons, there also Mildew who's sorta prejudice with the dragons and doesn't like how they're living on Berk too who tries to do everything it takes to convince Stoick to get rid of them. And the episodes in this series are mainly fun adventures that Hiccup and the other Dragon Riders and they're really fun, funny and really well animated. DreamWorks always does phenomenal with animation. Something else this franchise does so well is comedy. Mainly from the characters making snarky comments and stuff like that. And when they do, they really make me and my brother laugh really hard. My brother has said that the Dragons franchise is his favourite American made film franchise ever and, while I don't think it's my favourite, I do see why and it is one of my favourites. And, actually, going back to that animation point, the show introduces us to new dragons and every single one of them are all still really creative, cool, well designed, well thought out with what they can do and how they deal with them. And the new characters they introduce here are all memorable and serve their purpose really, really well. The main riders like Hiccup, Astrid, Snotlout, Fishlegs, Ruff and Tuff are all great and each character get their own episode dedicated to them so no one's left out. But the new ones they have are great too like Heather who's really likeable, but the bad guys are both great and memorable. Alvin is pretty cool and intimidating, Mildew is a hateful character that you just absolutely despise and you do really hate him, Dagur, who's the same age as Hiccup and the other is great as being a sorta over the top guy but he's still really enjoyable. All of them are really great. I would say my favourite episode for the Riders of Berk version is the episode where there's a blizzard and Hiccup and the others have to get the animals and dragons to cooperate so the animals can make food for them. It's really enjoyable and really funny. What I also love about it is how the characters from the movie are pretty much the exact same loveable characters from before. So you're never worried or thinking that they've changed. And thankfully they're not. Hiccup is still the same loveable guy from the first movie and he's still funny. The riders are the same too with Astrid being the serious one who likes to show off at times, Fishlegs is still the funny, weird, nerdy guy who gets along really well with Hiccup, Snotlout is still the same stupid, egotistical guy who wants to outdo Hiccup in whatever way he can and Ruff and Tuff are still just the funny morons. Even the others are great too like Stoick who's still that hardened leader who's got more of a softer side and Gobber, who's just as hilarious as ever. But he's also really caring and serious when he needs to be. All of them are great. Even the dragons like Toothless, who I absolutely love. One of my favourite, if not my character in the franchise despite being a dragon. I love him. The action is also amazing, not just with how great the animation looks, but also just the way it's thought out. All that is great. Honestly, I think out of all of the Dragons shows, I think this is the most fun of them all because, like I said, the episodes in this show are them going on fun adventures. And those are my thoughts on Dragons: Riders of Berk. Definitely go watch this, especially if you're a fan of the Dragons movies. Thank you all reading, please comment down below to tell me what you think and stay tuned for my next entry about the next series, Dragons: Defenders of Berk.

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