Monday 8 June 2015

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

I'm just gonna start with the story here first. What's the story? Harry was at the playground thinking about what happened last movie. There, his cousin makes fun of him about it, but the sky then grows dark and Dementors attack the 2 of them. Harry manages to use magic to force them away. But by using magic away from Hogwarts it got him expelled but that night he's rescued from Mad Eye and a couple others get him away from the Dursley's house and bring him to the head quarters of the Order of the Phoenix by flying on brooms. Sirius is there and Lupin, Mr and Mrs Weasley and the people who got Harry out of the house. At the trial the next day Dumbledore arrives and manages to get Harry innocent. At the train station Harry and Sirius talk and Sirius shows him a picture of the original Order of the Phoenix. And the rest you already know. This is actually the second least rated Harry Potter film on Rotten Tomatoes next to the Deathly Hallows part 1. So what's good about this film? The cast is still good, even if at one or two scenes the performances are a little bland and the fighting getting close to being really great, even though there's not much of them. And another problem for me is the fact that I wish Voldemort had more screen time. He only has about 5 minutes and at the very end. O.K now let's really get into the good things. While most of the things do feel like filler a lot more of it does feel like they serve a purpose. The best part about the film for me the most is the ending. The fact that they were able to do a lot of this was really impressive. And I should know how they did it because I might of mentioned this before but if I didn't, I went to London last year to go to the making of Harry Potter, the place where they made the films and I learned how they made the films, so I learned how they did a lot of these scenes. So, to finish up, it's good but a lot of it's just kind of dull and has some filler scenes. I would recommend it but don't expect  a whole lot.

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