Tuesday 26 April 2016

7 most anticipated comic book movies of 2016 ranked

Here I'm ranking the 7 comic book movies of this year and the ones I was most anticipated for. And yes I'm going with the ones I've seen like Deadpool and Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice. This year was definitely one of the most anticipated years for comic book movies ever and it's easy to see why with so many coming out and especially seeing what they were and what titles they had. So, let's get started.
7. Suicide Squad: With Suicide Squad being the 3rd instalment to the DC.E.U it's bound to bring in tons of things that a lot of people have been wanting to see for years like Harley Quinn, Deadshot and Killer Croc. However, this is by far the comic book movie I'm least excited about. While it looks like it could be a really good movie with a lot f stuff in it, it just not the movie I want to see the most this year. I can't explain why but it just doesn't hold much of my interest. I can't explain why, but that's the truth.
6. Gambit: While I am looking forward for movie to come out, Gambit, behind the scenes, has been a production nightmare. Losing the director a few actors and having to delay the movie, FOX is going to have to work extremely hard to make this movie good. Channing Tatum, who'll be playing him in the movie, feels like he'd be a great choice to play the character. But this movie almost feels like it's never going to come out. But if it does come out this year, I really hope it'll be good. And I'm pretty sure I don't have to remind you about the last FOX movie that was a production nightmare.

5. X-Men: Apocalypse: Thanks to the trailer that came out just yesterday, I am more hyped for this movie than I ever have been. The X-Men franchise feels like it's been getting better and better ever since X-Men: First Class. And 2014's X-Men: Days of Future Past has made it clear that this has got to be one of the best comic book movie series around. With Wolverine being revealed in the trailer and will hopefully be getting a lot of screen time, this is one comic book movie I know people, including myself and my brother and sister will love. Here's actually some truth for you. When I first heard of this movie and that it was going to be focused on the First Class cast, I didn't like the idea. The reason is because I really wanted this to be focused on the old cast because I thought it would be cool if the old cast fought Apocalypse. But now, I'm even more hopeful for this than I ever was.
4. Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice: While many fans were beyond excited to see this movie, including myself, it didn't quite have the feel and enjoyment that we wanted it to have. Me however, I found it to be a little better than how most people said it. But either way that doesn't change the fact that this movie had so much hype around it. It was said by almost everyone that it was their most anticipated movie of the year. While it may not have been my most anticipated, I was definitely hyped for it.
3. Doctor Strange: As the M.C.U is furthering it's movies and brings us Doctor Strange, the 14th instalment to it, we'll be seeing Benedict Cumberbatch take on the role of the Sorcerer Supreme and from just the first trailer we got a couple of weeks ago, it seems like he's going to be awesome as this character. Even just the thought of having this character being introduced as an Avenger would be amazing. I'm so excited to see him in the future joining the Avengers and fighting Thanos in Infinity War. And with his solo movie, this is definitely going to be one of the best comic book movies of the year in my opinion I'm sure.
2. Deadpool: The Merc with a Mouth had finally gotten the redemption he deserves as well as Ryan Reynolds. For playing someone who was supposed to be Deadpool in Origins and Green Lantern in the 2011 Green Lantern disaster. And with so many fantastic things in the movie, it's easy to see why. Ryan was the perfect choice for the character and I'm pretty sure you can all agree with me on that one. And when this film was revealed that it was going to be rated R people went nuts and loved it. Myself included. And it did not disappoint nor did it shy away from it being a little rated R, if you know what I mean there were private body parts shown, gore, blood everywhere, cut off limbs, serious bad language and even life like killing. I can't believe FOX was willing to do this. And Deadpool himself was amazing Not just because of the fantastic performance by Ryan Reynolds, but also because of the writers, the director, Tim Miller and even Rob Liefeld who helped with a couple of things. And a lot of that is why we loved it.
1. Captain America: Civil War: Was there any doubt? Of course Civil War was going to be number 1. While many were more excited for Dawn of Justice, I'm sure we can all agree that while it wasn't awful, it did have a lot of problems that kept it from being great. Civil War however is one movie that I've been looking forward to ever since I heard that it was happening. With having great new heroes being in it like Black Panther, having Ant-Man again and of course the long awaited reveal of the new Spider-Man in to the M.C.U. Oh, I'm still very excited to see him. As well as the movie. I'm actually seeing the movie this Saturday in Cork City with my brother and sister. I so excited I feel like I could just die. Anyway, as well as the fact that it's really hard to pick a side. Team Captain or team Iron Man. My brother and sister say that they're on Steve's side. I'm still unsure who's side I'm on because both Steve and Tony make really good points and they both have good motivations for doing what they're doing. Actually, you can tell me in the comments down below and if you're interested in the movie, you can tell me what side you're on. And those are the comic book movies of 2016 I'm most looking forward to ranked. Tell me in the comments which you you're most excited for or rank them yourself. I would love to read those. Thanks for reading.

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