Monday 11 April 2016

My top 10 hopes for future DC Extended Universe movie villains

Like my last entry, going to tell you my top 10 hopes for future DC villains to be in the later DC.E.U movies. And the rules I put in the first one are the same here. And like my last one, my number 1 pick should be really obvious. Got all that? Let's start with number 10.
10. Sinestro (Green Lantern Corps): The first and not last Green Lantern on this list is Sinestro. Any comic book fan knows his backstory. He was once a good Green Lantern member but when he began to use his ring to rule his planet, the guardians took it away from him and he was banished to another planet and when he was there, he found a yellow power ring of fear and swore revenge. I think if they just skipped the origin story of Hal become Green Lantern and focused on afterwards and after Sinestro turned evil or just when he does turn evil. I think that would be a great idea and he can be the villain for that movie.
9. Ocean Master (Aquaman): One of Aquaman's most dangerous enemies is Ocean Master and making him the main villain of the story or the side-villain would be awesome to have him and another villain side by side. Not 3 because that's be stupid. As to what other villain could be in this, well... just keep reading and you'll see.
8. Parallax (Green Lantern Corps): The main Green Lantern villain could also be the main villain of the Green Lantern Corps movie. Yes he was the main villain of that first Green Lantern movie, but we never talk about that movie if you know what I mean. In this movie they can make him so much better and put him as the villain and even have him team up with Sinestro to take down the Green Lantern Corps. It might just be me but I think that's a good idea. Especially seeing how they're allies in the comics and so that could be interesting and cool to see that actually happen.
7. Circle (Wonder Woman): I would have also included Ares on this list but there wasn't enough room on this for him and there are other villain I want to see more than him. Anyway, Circle would be a great pick for the villain in this movie. In the comics she's an evil witch who wants to destroy Wonder Woman and does things like take on appearances of others to try and do different thing to do her deeds.
6. Black Manta (Aquaman): This is the other villain that could be the main villain in the Aquaman villain and being argurably his archenemy would be awesome to see on screen. Mainly goven the fact that he's a person on a robot wetsuit who has wrist gauntlets that fire electric blasts. And given the fact that he's determined to bring Aquaman would be great to see too.
5. Zoom (The Flash): With Flash finally being revealed in Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice, it's now time to talk about who's going to be the main villain in his 2018 movie. In the comics, Zoom is the archenemy of Flash and has the same powers as him and is an old man with a staff with 2 lightning bolts on both sides. And even the having something like that work and we could see it on the screen, it'd be so awesome and great to see.
4. The Penguin (Batman): Yeah, Batman is going to be getting another solo movie. And seeing how the Penguin is my second favourite Batman villain, I would really like to see him be the main villain in it. The other one, you'll see in a second. And hopefully this won't be like the Danny DeVito version. Don't get me wrong. Danny DeVito was amazing as the Penguin and he portrayed him excellently. But he wasn't like he was in the comics. In the comics he a methodical, cigar smoking business man and uses umbrellas a lot. That's not exactly what he was in that movie. There he was a little too crazy and not as smart but hopefully he'll be like he was in the comics in the solo Batman movie.
3. Deathstroke (Justice League): While this may come off as a bit of a stretch, I think it would be amazing to see Deathstroke in the DC.E.U. Seeing how he may or may not be one of my favourite DC villains, and especially seeing how he was one of the inspirations for Deadpool, yeah ain't that weird,  would really like to see. You've all seen my painting of him and in the comics his real name is Slade Wilson who was a mercenary who volunteered for an experiment that was a failure but it made him stronger, faster, more agile and made him look older. And to see him on screen for the first time ever would be a great thing to see.
2. The Joker (Batman): While we will be seeing Jared Leto as the Joker in Suicide Squad later this year, I think, again, it would be perfect for him to be the villain in the solo Batman movie. And he already looks and sounds really cool so hopefully if they put him in, maybe he'll be the best Joker to go up against Batman next to Heath Ledger. I think it would be terrific.
And the number 1 DC.E.U villain I want to see is... Darkseid (Justice League): Yeah, like Thanos, Darkseid would be perfect for the Justice League movie. And given the fact that we already got a bit of a hint of him in Batman V Superman when Batman had a dream of himself being on Apokolips and he being there, even though it would be like Thanos in the M.C.U I think would be the perfect choice for the Justice League to fight. And he may or may not be one of my favourite, if not, my favourite DC villain ever. And so those are the villains I want to see in future DC.E.U movies. Let me know which one you want to see. Comment below and thanks for reading.

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