Monday 25 December 2017

Mickey's Once Upon A Christmas

Merry Christmas, everyone. And for something special for me this year, I want to review one of my favourite Christmas movies ever and one of my favourite Disney Christmas movies ever, Mickey's Once Upon A Christmas. I've loved this movie for a long time ever since I borrowed it from a neighbours when I was maybe 5 or 6 years old. And even to this day, I feel that it really does hold up really well. And it's a pretty unique film because it's one that doesn't have one actual story, it's three stories. What are they? The first one is Donald and his nephews, Huey, Dewy and Louie during Christmas time and the three of them wishing on a star saying they want Christmas every day. They get their wish, but with them doing it over and over and over with the same thing happening every single time, they begin to get sick of it and want things to go back to normal. Sure, this is a story is something that's been done before, but they manage to throw a twist into it and it makes it even more interesting to watch it and more fun. And while it's fun, there's some sad moments, especially one scene where the boys realise something bad they've done and feel guilty because of it and want to make it better, and I thought that was really nice. And it's pretty funny too, especially one scene that involves a turkey outside with them sledding and the actual ending is really nice. Donald is still his usual self, which is really great, and so are the boys and none of them ever come as bad people, they're just experiencing Christmas and act the way they usually would. The second story had Goofy and Max trying to find out if Santa Claus is real, because Max is beginning to doubt the actual existence of him after Pete tells him that Santa's just a make believe. So Goofy is doing everything he can to get prove that he is real, even going so far as to set up a watch balcony on their roof to try to spot him. This one is really good, but, I feel this is the weakest of the three stories. It's not bad, but out of all the stories in this movie, this one is just the weakest in my opinion. Still though, this isn't bad. It is really good. I especially really like Goofy dedication to this and doing everything he can to get proof for Max. That's nice and the ending is, again, really nice with them revealing whether or not Santa does exist here. So that's nice and with Goofy being his usual self, that leads to some really funny scenes and slapstick. Probably the funniest scene in this is when Goofy sees something on Pete's roof. That's all I'll say, I won't say what it is. And I guess, the best I can say is that this is a story with an ending that really leaves you happy. And that aspect to the whole thing is what I always get into the most. The final story and my favourite of them all involves Mickey and Minnie trying to buy each other a present, but neither one of them have enough money. So, Mickey keeps trying to come up with different ideas for that. As I said in my top 10 Disney characters list, Mickey and Minnie are my two favourite Disney characters ever and they're the best characters to have as the main characters in a story like this. This one's also pretty funny and I would say the funniest part is Pete with his Christmas tree selling business. Watch it to know what I mean. And I'm mainly talking about the ending to that scene. All the stories are tied together with a narration that really gives it this real wonder to it and real love for it too, which I do. The animation is really good here, even with a low budget, they still managed to get really good animation into this, and it all looks great with all the designs and colours and it actually really feeling like a Christmas movie. Each story is also kinda similar in that they all have sorta the same pattern with having a good story, good comedy and good emotional scenes with a really nice ending. And the actual ending with all of them at the tree singing different Christmas songs is super touching. And these stories are all really touching and really effective. And the fact that these stories are being told with these incredibly famous characters and them being utilised so well is really something and super fun. And I think the fact that they're famous Disney characters makes it even better. You can definitely tell the effort that was put into this and this is easily one I'd recommend you to watch. I loved it as a kid and I still love it now. So, yeah, if you have a chance, definitely watch this and I know you'll have a great time with it. And so everyone, that's my review of Mickey's Once Upon A Christmas. Thank you all for reading, please comment down below to tell me what you think and have a very merry Christmas.

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