Thursday 14 December 2017

My top 10 other favourite Dragon Ball Z characters

So about 5 months ago, I made a top 10 list of my favourite Dragon Ball Z characters, and with Dragon Ball Super introducing new characters, I thought I'd go back and continue the last list I made and talk about my other favourite characters from this beloved anime. Note, this isn't a remake of that list, I'm just talking about my other favourite characters I really like from it. Just making sure. And given how the Dragon Ball franchise is filled with tons of memorable characters, (while not being the most memorable anime characters, I'd give that to Naruto), the characters are still super iconic and a lot are really likeable. And so, let's begin and I hope you all enjoy.
10. Bulma:

Starting us off at number 10 is the brains of the Z fighters group and the wife to Vegeta, Bulma. While I may not of liked her a lot originally with her being super whiny, annoying and self-centred at points, as the show and entire franchise kept going, she got way better and much more likeable. Especially in the two Dragon Ball Z movies, Battle of Gods and Resurrection F along with Dragon Ball Super. Her brain helps think of a lot of the mechanics that help out the Z fighters and other people too. Plus, it must take a special person to make Vegeta show his softer side and get mad if someone hurts her.
9. Kami:

Next up is the watchtower and Earth guardian Namek, Kami. Originally being evil and tied to Piccolo to create Demon King Piccolo, they eventually separated thanks to Goku and Kami was placed as guardian of the Earth. A very nice and kind-hearted person, he'll do anything to protect the Earth and everyone on it, even if it means self-sacrifice.
8. Videl:

Gohan's wife and strong fighter is at number 8. Videl was a girl Gohan met at college who he began to grow a crush on. She's also the daughter of Hercule Satan. When her and Gohan began to train for the Martial Arts Tournament, they began a relationship which is still going on with the two of them now married and have a daughter named Pan. And, while I don't think she's as good now as she was in the World Tournament Saga, she's still really likable and I'm excited to see what they do with her next.
7. Tien:

At number 7 is one of Goku earlier friends and kinda rival to Yamcha, Tien. This three eyed guy was originally an egotistical fighter with his small partner Chiaotzu. But during the original Tournament when Goku was younger, the two of them fought and when they did, they became close friends. Now one of Goku's best allies, he's always friendly and a great fighter and the third eye on his forehead allows him to use psych abilities.
6. Android 18:

At number 6 is one of Dr. Gero's android creations and wife to Krillin, Android 18. When Dr. Gero originally created her along with the other androids, she was doing everything she could to find and kill Goku. But after Cell was released and tried to absorb both her and Android 17, she changed and began to help them and even begin a relationship with Krillin and now the two of them have a daughter.
5. Majin Buu:

This huge pink bubble gum looking monster was the biggest challenge Goku and the other fighters ever faced in the original Dragon Ball Z. This creature has been around forever and was discovered by the wizard Bibidi. When he unleashed Buu on worlds to destroy them, Bibidi was killed and cloned himself and he was named Bobidi. When he was released, Buu was a stupid moron who destroyed everything in his path and was like a little child doing it. When he separated and became good, his evil side, named Kid Buu, was even more evil and more destructive. Even going so far as to, literally, destroy the whole planet. When Goku and the other managed to save it and destroy him, the good side of Buu, named Fat Buu, was turned into an ally and now even a friend to Goku and the others. Especially Hercule Satan. I really like that. the fact that he's an ally now and that he's friends with Goku. And even before that, he was an awesome villain with being the hardest one everyone had fought up to that point and doing a bunch of different abilities to fight.
4. Beerus:

Next on the list is the god of destruction and the most recent character on the list, Lord Beerus. Beerus was created for the movie Battle of Gods. Being asleep for many years, he awoke with the thought of blowing up the whole planet. When he heard of him, Goku could do nothing but think about how much he wanted to fight him, which helped Goku transform in the Super Saiyan God with red hair.

Beerus himself is also just so entertaining with mainly sticking around and choosing not to blow up the planet all for the purpose of eating delicious foods. I find him really funny too and super likeable despite some of his actions.
3. Goten:

At number 3 is Goku and Chi-Chi's second son and best friend to kid Trunks, Goten. While Goku was dead in Other World with King Kai for seven years, Chi-Chi had another son named Goten who looks exactly like Goku. While not exactly meeting Goku's level of intelligence when he was that age and being a small bit smarter, he still has the same heart and is as likeable as the rest. He's also really funny and I really like the relationship he and Trunks have.
2. Dende:

Coming in close to number 1 and the new guardian of the Earth is Dende. This Namekian was originally a small child on Namek. When Gohan and Krillin arrived to find the Namekian Dragon Balls and stop Frieza, they met him as a survivor of a tiny village that Frieza then destroyed. Now a great friend to Gohan, he possesses powers like healing which helped them a lot during the Frieza Saga and the Cell Saga. He's also a really kind character too and I really like the interactions between him and Gohan.
Honourable mentions:
King Kai,


Android 16,


Mr. Popo

And my number 1 other favourite Dragon Ball Z character is... Master Roshi:

And finally at number 1 is the Turtle Hermit himself, Master Roshi. This 430 year old man was Goku and Krillin's original martial arts master and is the one who taught Goku the Kamehameha technique. But, even more than that is the thing that makes him who he really is, a super huge pervert who'll do anything to get a sneak peek at the ladies. And I do mean "peek." (He's probably the biggest inspiration to other animes who try to use a perverted old man like Jiraiya from Naruto or Makarov from Fairy Tail.) He's also super strong and when there's a danger to the planet, he's able to show everyone just how strong his own Kamehameha really is. Plus, just look how buff he can get when he needs to.

And so, everyone, those are my picks for my top 10 other favourite Dragon Ball Z characters. Thank you all for reading and please comment down below to tell me what you think, or, if you like Dragon Ball Z, please tell me your favourite character.

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