Saturday 30 December 2017

My top 10 releases of 2018

With it being New Years Eve tomorrow, I decided to talk about my top 10 most anticipated releases of next year. And this will really count anything. Not just movies, but really anything that'll be  coming out next year whether it be movies or games or DVDs or TV. It can be anything. I'm looking forward to all of these very much, especially my number 1 pick. And, if you know me, you can probably tell what my number 1 is going to be. And so, let's begin and I hope you all enjoy.
10. Deadpool 2:

Starting us off at number 10 is the sequel to one of the best comic book movies I've ever seen and the funniest I've ever seen. That being Deadpool and this is going to be Deadpool 2. So far, the marketing has been amazing and I obviously can't wait to see more. Ryan Reynolds was immediately one of the best comic book movie actors when the first Deadpool movie was released and it looks like he's going to be even better here. They're bringing in new Marvel characters like Cable and Domino, who I can't wait to see. Overall, this looks like it could be another phenomenal Deadpool movie and I can't wait for it in June.
9. Fairy Tail DVD collection part 22-???:

Now, the reason I'm saying it like this is because these Fairy Tail part DVDs come out during the year and there's a certain amount that do come out every year, but I don't know how many that is. That's why I'm doing in question marks like this. Still though, I can't wait to get more. I've gotten even more of these DVDs for Christmas and I'm still collecting. Number 18 will be released in January and then the rest will be released later on.
8. Black Panther:

At number 8 is the next M.C.U movie that'll be out in less than two months. I loved Chadwick Boseman as T'Challa/Black Panther in Civil War, and the fact that he's now getting his own movie has me beyond excited and I can't wait to see and review it. From the trailers alone so far, it looks like Ryan Coogler has directed this movie very beautifully and I can't wait to see what he properly brings to this movie when it releases. This and Ant-Man and the Wasp are both released this year and I can't wait for them both. Them and another movie you'll see later on.
7. Naruto Shippuden Season 8 DVD:

Like what I said with the Fairy Tail DVDs, these complete seasons of Naruto Shippuden have been coming out once a year. This year, Season 7 was released and next year will release Season 8. This is the English dub I'm talking about with about 8 disks inside it. I can't wait to see what it looks like and I can't wait to start watching Season 7 because I also got that for Christmas and I want to see what it'll be like when I have Season 8 and then 2019 will release the final one. That being Season 9, which will be the entire Naruto Shippuden seasons on DVD and I can't wait for all of it.
6. The new and last 3-in-1 Naruto mangas:

This is what I meant when I said this list could contain anything. And I'm more excited for the conclusion of the 3-in-1 Naruto mangas because I'm collecting them all and so far, they've gone up to vol. 20. They've been coming out every third month and they're going to be finished October of next year, which I can't wait for. When the last one does come out and when I get it, along with the other 3-in-1s that'll be out next year, I'll have gotten them all which means I'd have the entire Naruto manga set and the 3-in-1 mangas are the best ones to get. As you must have seen in my collections entry, you'll have seen there are other mangas that does the same thing and when I get the last Naruto one next year, I'll have gotten all the Naruto ones. I can't wait. The ones above are volumes 21 and 22, which will be out in January and April of next year.
5. More Pop Vinyl Figures:

This is something I spoke about before in my top 10 characters I want to see become Pop Vinyl Figures. So I won't explain what they are. Still though, I want a lot more to be made, in fact, I'm going to make a second list talking about more characters I want to see, especially seeing how some of the ones I spoke about before actually happened. So I would really love for even more that I want to see get turned into them. When I made my second list, I'll explain which ones. Over all, I can't wait to get more and see which ones they make for next year.
4. Wreck-It Ralph 2:

Considering the fact that this will be the next Disney Classic, of course I can't wait for this. I love the first Wreck-It Ralph movie incredibly hard and so having more of that, and the fact that, again, this will be another Disney Classic, really has me super excited. This will also be the first time a sequel was a Disney Classic since Fantasia 2000. And that was back in 1999. The fact that they've decided to make another one, and the fact that it's the sequel to one of my favourite Disney movies ever, is really something to me. I really hope it does turn out good. I know it will be though.
3. The Incredibles 2:

Now, before I say anything about this Pixar movie, I just want say something. The reason I didn't review Coco this year is because it didn't come to Europe in November. It's going to be here in January. So, when it does release, I'll review it then. But back onto the Incredibles 2, of course I'm excited for this. As I said before, the first Incredibles movie is one of my favourite animated movies, and maybe one my favourite movies of all time. It's one of the most imaginative and creative movies I've ever seen and I love everything in it from the animation, the action scenes, the characters, the pacing, the villain and everything. I can't find one flaw with it. And so, with the sequel coming out next year, I'm hoping it'll be even better than it and I can't wait to see what they do with Jack Jack in this. The first trailer was perfect, giving me exactly what I wanted to see and it made me want to see more.
2. Avengers: Infinity War:

Yeah, some of you probably thought this was going to be number 1, but, something else is easily even more anticipated than this for me. Still though, as far as movies go, this is the most excited I've ever been for any movie in my life. And this could be my favourite comic book movie off all time when it releases. It's going to be the combination of everything we've seen in the M.C.U, aside from the TV shows, which is pretty sad, but still. And it looks like it could be the most fun and most action-packed comic book movie ever. I can't wait for it to release and I'm super hoping it lives up to the hype.
And my number most anticipated release of 2018 is... Kingdom Hearts 3:

Come on, what did you expect to be number 1? Kingdom Hearts 3, as I've said, I don't know how many times, is easily the most wanted thing for me, ever. It's been the number 1 thing I've wanted ever since I first heard of it. With this being announced for being actually released at this year's D23, it got so many people, especially me, super excited and we can't wait to see more when it actually releases and we can't wait to see what other Disney or Pixar movies will be released since only 6  actual worlds have been properly announced so far with Twilight Town, Destiny Islands, Mysterious Tower, Olympus, Toy Story and Monster's Inc. Obviously, the Keyblade Graveyard is going to be the final world, but those ones are the ones that have been properly announced so far. I also can't wait to see what Kingdom Hearts 3 looks like with the new graphics and I want to see what new gameplay will be introduced. I can't wait to use Flow Motion again and hopefully it'll be just as good, if not even better, than what I'm expecting. And so, everyone, those are my picks for my top 10 releases of 2018. Thank you all for reading and please comment to tell me what you think and also tell me what you're most looking forward to next year.

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