Tuesday 18 October 2016

My top 5 other favourite YouTubers

Five months ago, I made a list of my top 10 favourite YouTubers and now I'm continuing with this list. Also, don't expect to see the Kingdom Hearts or Lion Guard YouTube pages on this because, even though I want tot put them on here, they're not technically YouTubers. They're just YouTube pages from the studios that make them. So yeah, do expect to see them on here. So, let's get started.
5. CinemaWins: You've all already heard of CinemaSins. Well CinemaWins is the opposite. CinemaSins counts down all the problems in a movie and CinemaWins counts all the good things. And I really like his videos. He really likes comic book movies and this year he's done videos for all the comic book movies that have come out so far this year except for X-Men: Apocalypse or Suicide Squad. My guess is he will do those. Here's some of his videos.
He eve does videos for bad movies like Fant4stic, Batman & Robin and some others. And I can't wait to see what his next one is.
4. Jeremy Jahns: This is probably one of, if not the most famous YouTuber out there. He does reviews for every movie that comes out and then at the end of the year, he does a top 10 best and top 10 worst movies of the year. He also does reviews for some TV shows like the Marvel Netflix shows and some DC shows and others. Here's some of his videos.
He's also really funny and it's really entertaining to watch his videos.
3. Amosdoll Music: This is a YouTuber who's actually a pianist and he plays a lot of different songs or music a lot. He is incredibly talented and he plays a lot of the music amazingly. He does music from games or TV shows. And get this, he even does it from the Lion Guard. Ain't that convenient? He is amazing. Listen.
There's some more he does as well.
2. AudienceReactions: This YouTuber does things like record the reaction of people in a cinema for movies. Especially comic book movies. It's a lot of fun to watch and yesterday he posted the reaction of Suicide Squad. And, like I just said, it's a lot of fun to watch and even funny. Here's some.
And I can't wait to see what the next one is.
Honourable mentions:
And my number 1 other favourite YouTuber is... AniMat: I actually meant to put this guy on my original list but I forgot him as I was making it. AniMat is a YouTuber who reviews all animated movies. He's a huge Disney and Pixar fan like me. He even did a history of Disney animation and a top 10 favourite Disney animated movies. He does his reviews in a certain kind of order and then give it a score. He all does a top 5 best and worst animated movies at the end of every year. Here's some videos of his.
And those are my top 5 other YouTubers. Thank you all for reading and please comment to tell me what your favourite is.

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