Saturday 29 October 2016

Phineas and Ferb the Movie: Across the 2nd Dimension

So last month I did a list of my top 10 favourite Phineas and Ferb episodes. And in 2011 they actually made a movie. Though it was a TV movie not a theatrical movie. Kinda like what the Lion Guard: Return of the Roar was. And if you remember anything I said about the show in that entry, then you should know what I'm talking about here. And so now I'm going to do a review for it. And I'll be talking about the whole story, so if you don't want it spoiled, watch it, then read this. Let's get to it. What's the story? It opens with it being Perry's birthday and Phineas and Ferb decide to do something related to him. So while they're doing that, Perry goes to Doofenshmirtz to obviously try to stop him again. He's built some kind of inator that will bring him to another dimension. Phineas and Ferb make a slingshot like device and launch themselves but accidently knock into Perry's hover car as he's taking off and they crash into Doofenshmirtz's penthouse and destroy the inator. Not knowing what's going on, they offer to fix it but then Perry arrives and is worried and tries to do whatever it takes to stop them. But it doesn't work and they make it work. They go through it and end up in another dimension where another Dr. Doofenshmirtz rules the whole world. Not only that, but he's enslaved everyone in the Tri-State Area, he even transformed that Perry into a cyborg to work for him and apparently Summer has been outlawed... if that's even possible. Anyway, while the Doofenshmirtz in that dimension is about to attack Phineas and Ferb, Perry saves them and reveals he's a secret agent. They escape and they try to use a remote they made earlier to try to get back but it isn't showing the dimension they came from so they have the idea to find the them from that dimension to help them. But the ones from there are kinda depressed. This dimension is a very black and white kinda place with people depressed and all that. Anyway, Perry goes off to fight the two Doofenshmirtz's but is then caught. There's also this group called the Resistance who are trying to stop Doofenshmirtz from there and the members from that dimension are Candace, Isabella, Baljeet and the other Firesite Girls. And if you're wondering why Buford isn't there, it's pretty funny. He says he was but he got so good at resisting that he starting resisting them and there's an incredibly funny line that both him and that Candace say that always makes me laugh. Anyway, it turns out the reason the whole thing with the remote is that the dimensions are like a clock. In the sense that they're going in a clockwork direction and the remote is showing the next dimension so they have two options. Go through every single dimension until they reach they're own because there's a countless amount of them. The second is that they generate enough power to make it go backwards. They do but then the Candace from the real dimension jumps through and destroys it. They then go off to save Perry but the Phineas, Ferb and Candace from the real dimension, sorta, get caught and the Doofenshmirtz's create another dimension travelling machine. But then the other dimension Doofenshmirtz orders his robot to execute Phineas, Ferb, Perry, Candace and the real Doofenshmirtz. But then the other dimension Candace shows up and gives Phineas the remote and he activates it. They go through an the next two minutes in a musical montage of the five of them going through different dimensions. They eventually arrive in their own but it's too late because the other dimension Doofenshmirtz sends thousands of his robots to the real dimension and begins to take over. Perry gives Phineas his locket with him, Phineas and Ferb in it and runs off to try to stop the robots. Phineas, Ferb and Candace go home but it turns out Perry gave them the locket because it's a tracking device and it shows them Perry's lair. When they get there, all the things that Phineas and Ferb made all throughout the show are then recreated and they go off to fight. And the next fifteen minutes is an awesome fight scene in Danville where Phineas, Ferb, Perry, Candace, Stacy, Isabella, Buford, Baljeet and Django are fighting all the robots using the different things that have been in the show previously. Phineas and Perry then go to the top of Doofenshmirtz's pent house and they destroy the device controlling all the robots which destroys them all. And the other dimension Doofenshmirtz is about to kill them but then the real Doofshmirts shows up and gives him something that makes him stop. Everything goes back to normal but then Major Monogram and Karl erase all their memories about what happened, except Perry's because they're not allowed know about Perry being an agent. And that's the story. And I want to point out that, unlike some other TV movies out there, this is a good one. This is a good movie. And thankfully I'm not the only person who thinks that. If you look up IMDb, it has a 7.5. So let's go over the good things in it. Firstly, the budget is definitely bigger. As fantastic as the animation in the show as, you can tell that, while it may look the same, there's something different about it. And I like that and there's definitely really good camera work and the way it's shown. And the characters are still just as great as they were in the show, sorta. And I like that. And there's good comedy too. I mean the show is already funny and it's funny here too. And I will say the end fight is awesome. Just seeing al their past creations being made and then seeing them line up about to destroy the robots is incredible. It's a great end climax. The story as well, while really small kids may not understand 100%, is still creative and entertaining and pretty interesting when you really think about it. And the scenes where the characters are just sorta talking and just trying to figure this thing out I think is really well done. And there's this sort of thing to it that makes you want to watch it and rewatch it too. My guess is that it so entertaining and so interesting, to me anyway. And just seeing all this play out and happen and watching this story and movie progress is fun. Something else that goo here is the action. All the action's great. It's also, like I said, looks good and it's also a really well acted. All the voice actors are phenomenal in the movie. And given the fact that most of the actors not only had to do the voices for the original characters but also the other dimension versions and make I really sound like they're legitimately interacting is impressive to me and I've gotta respect them for that and taking their time to do this. Same for everyone involved in this. Keep in mind, we're talking about a type of movie that doesn't get a theatrical release and everyone gets paid by the budget given to them and they don't get money from us and they're doing this to entertain us. That is really something to me. And the movie overall is really, really good. I would say though, my one problem with it is that I feel like Phineas is a little too mean to Perry at times for not letting them know that he's an agent. I understand exactly why but to me, I feel like it's a little too mean. But that's not really a big problem. So overall I think that this is a very, very, very good movie. Maybe even a great one and one of the best TV movies I've ever seen next to Return of the Roar. Especially seeing how it's a Phineas and Ferb movie and I already love the show. So, yeah, if you haven't seen the movie, I would say watch it if you're a fan of the Phineas and Ferb show. Thank you all for reading and please comment down below to tell me what you think.

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