Tuesday 11 April 2017

5 Terminator movies ranked

So it's been kind of a while since I've done one of these ranking lists, so I thought I could do another by talking about something I've never talked about before, the Terminator movie franchise. There's only been one time when I spoke about the Terminator itself and that was in my top 5 robots list last year. But here, I'm talking about it properly. This franchise has had many ups and downs in it's history. And with it all finishing a couple of years ago, I thought it'd be cool to talk about all of them and rank them from worst to best. And so, let's begin.
5. Terminator Salvation:

Starting off at number 5 is the bottom of all the Terminator movies, Terminator Salvation. The super boring and forgettable entry in this franchise. It's basically a story that takes place in the war of the machines. But they really know how they were going to present it in a real entertaining way. The C.G.I is also really weird. Some of it is fine, but the majority of it isn't. This movie also makes Terminators seem either way too over powered or too weak and pathetic. I mean, they either blast a car that the person is going to or they throw the person. What kinda Terminators are these? So, on the whole, this is the least of all the Terminator movies.
4. Terminator Genisys:

After a six year gap between this and the last movie, the most recent Terminator movie isn't the worst of them, but it's far from the best. There are a couple of good things in it but there's so many problems in this that it's hard to know where to start. There are plot holes, the C.G.I isn't very good, it's not rated R, the spelling of the work "Genisys" and the fact that they decided to spoil that John Connor turns into a Terminator in the trailer and poster. Why would you do that? It was also so strange when Kyle Reese just sees a bunch of vision things for no reason. It's not worth anyone's time in my opinion.
3. Terminator 3: Rise of the machines:
Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines Poster
After the great success of the first two movies, James Cameron left as the director and it was handed to Jonathan Mostow. And it's very noticeable. This doesn't feel like the first two at all. It feel different in a really weird way. Not just in the camerawork, but also with how a lot of this is done and done really stupidly. The only positive I have for the movie is the ending where the bombs drop and war really starts. That was actually kinda interesting. In the sense that no matter what they do, Judgement Day can't be stopped. It's inevitable. Besides that though, I would say it's a really big downfall from the first two.
2. The Terminator:

The movie that started it all, the Terminator. This was so ground-breaking in the day. Even now. Pretty much everything in this is beyond famous. It's cast is fantastic. Michael Biehn and Linda Hamilton are great as Kyle Reese and Sarah Conner. And Arnold was born to play the role of the Terminator. The Terminator itself is also a fantastic and scary villain. Especially with the design of the metal skull.

The movie's R rated and it's really brutal in a lot of parts. Like so brutal. There's blood everywhere. The effects are also incredible. Especially for something that came out in 1984. This was also brought by James Cameron who last did Piranha Part Two before this and with that, you would think this would be horrendous but it was incredible.
1. Terminator 2: Judgement Day:

And finally at number 1 is one of the best action movies and sequels of all time, Terminator 2: Judgement Day. Set after the events of the first movie, Judgement Day deals with Arnold Schwarzenegger returning as the T-800 fighting the evil T-1000. When they're both sent back in time, the T-800 is instructed to protect John Conner from the T-1000. Not only are the effects of this film really astonishing and really ground-breaking for it's time, but it also includes some absolutely amazing action that's ever to been seen. Especially given how a lot of it is done practically. Since the technology wasn't up to par back then, they had to do most of it practically and it's really impressive with what they did and how they did it. And seeing Arnold as the Terminator as a good guy is beyond awesome. Edward Furlong is also really good as young John Connor. The T-1000 is also a terrific and kinda scary villain in with it being a liquid metal robot and he can do anything. He can blend into his surroundings, he can shapeshift, he can turn into another person, he can make weapons out of any part of his body and he's almost unstoppable. It's also more rated R than the first movie and the action is incredible. James Cameron's directing is also great again and all the handmade stuff that they made for this is really cool. And everyone, those are the 5 Terminator movies ranked. Thank you all for reading and please comment down below to tell me what you think or tell me how you'd rank them.

1 comment:

  1. Yo what's your favorite terminator mine is the space marine terminator indomitus pattern because of how big the pauldrons are.
