Saturday 29 April 2017

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2

So, this is kinda an early review but I managed to see Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 yesterday with my brother. I said I was going to see it today because I thought that was when we were going to do it, but instead we did it yesterday. And so with one of my most anticipated movies of the year finally here and finally watched it I can't wait to tell all of you my thoughts on it. So, let's begin. And yes, I'm going to do no spoilers for the first part and then I'll do a paragraph talking about all the spoilers. So don't worry. So did Guardians 2 live up to the enormous amount of hype around it? Yeah, it absolutely did. This is by far the best movie I've seen so far this year. I don't know if I can say that it's perfect. But it's really close. So, before I talk about that stuff, let's talk about the story. What's the story? The opening scene is showing Star-Lord's parents on Earth years ago. It then cuts to present day and we see the Guardians fighting a huge squid thing as they're trying to protect some battery things that they've been hired to protect. Gamora manages to kill it and in return, the people of that planet give them Nebula who they caught and now they're giving her to them so they can give them to the Nova Corp. But as they're leaving, Rocket steals some of the smaller batteries powering the big ones and that causes them to be angry and they chase after them. They fly off but the people of that planet fly after them and they're about to kill them but then someone saves them. They crash land on a planet and they meet the person who saved them. Star-Lord's father named Ego, played by Kurt Russell, and Mantis, played by Pom Klementieff. He offers to bring them to his planet so only Star-Lord, Gamora and Drax go with them while Rocket, Groot and Nebula stay behind. Also, we get to see Yondu back and at first, he's planning to catch them and kill them, but then some of the other Ravagers betray him and put him and Rocket in a cell. And when Star-Lord, Gamora and Drax get to Ego's world, Gamora begins to sense that something's wrong. And, I'm going to stop there. Firstly, I just want to mention something that's been surrounding this movie for a little while that I have my own opinion on, and that is the debate over whether or not this is better than the first. Most everyone I've seen who have done review for this have said it's not as good as the but still an absolutely great movie nonetheless. For me, I would say it on the same level. I would say that all three acts in this movie are great, but the third act for me is the best and where the movie really gets phenomenal. But, let's go over the other good things in this first. The cast and characters in this is amazing like in the first movie. Chris Pratt was my favourite in the first movie as Star-Lord, and, in my opinion, he's even better here. He's really funny, but he also pulls off some really emotional scenes super well. He did in the first movie too, but I think he does it even better here. The rest of the returning cast is also great. Zoe Saldana, Dave Bautista, Vin Diesel, Bradley Cooper, Michael Rooker. All of them. And the new cast they have here are just as good. Kurt Russell, Pom Klementieff, Elizabeth Debicki, Sean Gunn. All of them are really good and totally stand on they're own. Now, one of the many things that made the first film so incredible was the humour. And here, they keep it up. I don't think this movie is as funny as the first, but this film is unbelievably hilarious. Me and some of the other people in the theatre when I saw this were laughing out loud with a lot of these scenes. It was an absolute blast. Another thing that made the first movie great that this movie does amazing too is the effects. Both of these Guardians of the Galaxy movies have maybe the most C.G.I in any Marvel movie and they give so many scenes with it in it and it all looks fantastic, just as to be expected. Like with the action and nice looking worlds they made. There's also some pretty emotional moments too. I won't give them away yet, but there are some really emotional scenes here. And something I strangely haven't mentioned yet is the characters themselves. All of the ones from the first are still great. In terms of personality and lines and the way he's written, Rocket is still my second favourite cause he's so funny and cool. But Star-Lord is my favourite out of all the Guardians. That could be more from Chris Pratt's performance, but I still love him like in the first movies. James Gunn did an amazing job directing this movie. It's really well shot and edited. And in case you're wondering, in case you don't know who the villain is, I won't say who it. But if you're wondering what do I think of him, I will say that he's not the best M.C.U villain, but he's actually pretty good. He's not flawless, but I think he's actually pretty good and really cool. The pacing is also really good. There were a couple of times where I thought it's wasn't perfect like when we're watch some characters meeting others, but I still thought it was really good here. Now, as far as what I didn't love here, because this isn't a perfect, there were, like I just said, a couple of times where the pacing wasn't perfect. Also, there were one or two plot holes I thought were kinda noticeable. Especially during the climax. But I still entertain throughout that scene too. But I think my biggest problem is something during the first and second act. As I said, I think the second act is the best of them. I like those other two acts, but there's something in the first two that I kinda have a weird problem with and I think it's a little slow. I mean like with the pacing. Just a few times I thought one or two scenes might have been a little slow. But I was still entertained through those acts and that's not really a gigantic issue. Aside from that, this movie is fantastic. Easily the best movie I've seen so far this year as I've said. It's another great M.C.U film and the best M.C.U related thing that's come out this year so far. But I guess that's not saying much if you know what I mean. I can't wait to see the rest this year and I'm so unbelievably excited for them like Spider-Man: Homecoming, Thor: Ragnarok and the Defenders. So yeah, if you couldn't tell already, I'm absolutely recommending that you check this out. And so now we're going to get into the spoilers. If you don't want anything spoiled, go see it and then come back and read the rest. Okay, let's begin.
First, I want to talk about the villain. The villain in this movie is Ego. I already sorta knew that because in the comics, he is the Guardians main villain. And I also want to talk about the ending. That is easily one of the best climaxes I've ever seen in any comic book movie with them going inside Ego's planet to kill him and when it revealed that it was because of him that Star-Lord's mother died. And when I said that this film has emotional moments, this is what I mean. Also with the deaths here. There was of course Ego. But then there was the death of Yondu. Which was really sad, especially since they made him more likeable here and the whole scene when he dies and Star-Lord realises how he was more of a father figure to him. And I liked that scene and I liked how Nebula was more of a good guy this time. Same with Yondu as well. And going back to the emotional things here, the scene where Star-Lord was realising he has that power inside him and then playing catch with him was nice too even if it did seem a little goofy. But I felt it worked. And, I've gotta say, that whole David Hasselhoff running joke they keep bring up every once in a while was really funny. And so was the interactions between Drax and Mantis. Now, I want to talk about the credit scenes because, of course I'm going to, and also because this is the first M.C.U movie to have five credit scenes. The first was the Ravagers celebrating being back together. The second is them remember Yondu. The third is the Ayesha growing Adam Warlock to kill the Guardians, which is really interesting. The fourth is Groot growing into a teenager and having a teenager's personality on Star-Lord and the last credit scene is seeing Stan Lee again from earlier in the movie. So, before I finish up, I'll give my overall thoughts on this. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 is incredible. I don't know if I can say that it's better than first mainly because I do kinda understand and the first movie was just so phenomenal and everyone loved it. But I think this is on the same level. I love this movie and this is my favourite movie so far this year and I can't wait to see a lot more and I especially can't wait for the rest of the other comic book movies and shows this year. So yeah, as I said, definetly go see this movie and I guarantee that you will have a blast. Thank you all for reading and please comment down below to tell me what you think.

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