Monday 13 June 2016


Yes. I've decided to do an actual review of the Fantastic Four movie that came out last year and yes, I'm writing it as Fant4stic. I already told you why before. Because it was like that on the poster and everyone's made that joke. I originally wasn't going to do this movie but after some more thinking recently and so I decided that I will do it. And you all know the bad things behind this movie. I mean everyone has practically talked about this and they've all said how absolutely horrendous this movie is and... yeah. They're not wrong. This is literally one of the worst comic book movies I've ever seen in my life. This movie was so that Stan Lee didn't even want a cameo. And that's saying a lot. And yes I will be telling the whole story and spoil the whole thing for one reason. The reason everyone doesn't like to spoil a movie is because they want you to go to it and see it yourself without knowing anything big. But here, no. You can just skip this movie. And also, in case you're wondering, no. I didn't see this in the cinema because I heard everyone saying how bad this movie was so I just waited until it came out on DVD and I watched it online to see how bad it was, and guys, there's a reason why. This movie was also so bad it got a 9% on Rotten Tomatoes. So, what's the story? It starts off with Reed Richards as a boy at school telling his class that he wants to build a teleporter to another dimension when he grows up. That night he continues with some machine that will do that and it kinda works. In the future he enters it in a science fair project and is now played by Miles Teller. Just then a man named Franklin Storm comes to look at it and tells Reed that apparently they're working on the same thing where he's working. So he brought to a place called the Baxter Building and meets Franklin's daughter, Susan or "Sue" Storm played by Kate Mora. Reed also brings his childhood friend named Ben Grimm, played by Jamie Bell. Franklin also has a son named Johnny, played by Michael B. Jordan. And from here we get a very long and boring intro of them getting this whole thing together. There's also this other guy named Victor Domashev instead of Von Doom, played by Toby Kebbell, who's helping as well and  a man from the government named Harvey Elder, played by Tim Blake Nelson. And so after putting finishing the shuttle, the people say they have to wait for anything to happen but then Reed, Johnny, Victor and Ben get drunk and decide to test the shuttle themselves without anyone knowing like Franklin and Sue. They arrive at the other dimension and begin to look around. But then they put their hands in some green goo which then begins to go crazy and they try to go back to the shuttle but Victor falls and it looks like he gets killed. And as the others are going in, fire gets in Johnny's camisole and begins to wrap itself around him and rocks go into Ben's and begins to turn into rock along with the goo that's going everywhere. The shuttle goes back and gets destroyed. Reed is horrified and he learns that he can stretch his body. Sue then comes in and she gets infected to and is able to turn invisible and produce force fields. Everyone else comes in and begins to get them up. They then begin to test their powers. With his powers, Reed begins to try and escape because he feels that he's responsible. He manages to get out and then it cuts to one year later and that's when this movie begins to get even worse. So they've basically been spending this whole time there and trying to find Reed. Sue manages to find Reed by looking at a lot of different scenes and does some stuff and manages to pinpoint his location. A lot of agents are sent to get him but he defeats them all until Ben comes and head-butts him which knocks him out. When they get back, Reed is held in some kind of room with Ben watching him. Johnny and Franklin also have a fight but then a lot of people go to the lab and see him on the screen in the other dimension. Some people go the place and bring him back and the envirmental suit that he was wear bonded to him and now he looks like Dr. Doom. No actually. I take that back. He doesn't look like Dr. Doom. He looks like this.

That is honestly one of the worst comic book movie costumes I've ever seen in my life. And on top of that, this Dr. Doom is also one of the worst villains I've ever seen in my life. So anyway, he wakes up and begins to say that the other world is what kept him alive and it gave him powers. He also begins to blow up people's heads and make his way back to shuttle to go back to the other world. He says that he must destroy the Earth to save his own world. That sound really stupid to me. He also kills Franklin. And then Reed, Sue, Johnny and Ben follow him back to the other world which he is on and is using the shuttle as a black hole thing to pull everything into the other dimension and create some kind of energy and then we get out climax, which I'm just going to say, is kinda cool. It isn't impressive at all but at least it's not the worst thing in the movie and I do find it to be pretty cool. Anyway, they defeat him and destroy the black hole and head back. And yeah, blah, blah, blah. They get the Baxter Building to themselves and the last shot of this is Reed about to ay the Fantastic Four but then it cuts to black. Yeah. That's the story. This movie is almost two hours long and that's all that happens. I'm serious. So, before I say the many bad things in this movie, I'm going to say the very few things that are actually kinda good in this. Yes. There are one or two good things. First the cast is really good. Especially the main four. They all do pretty good. Another thing that's good here is the C.G.I. Especially the Thing. I will say that the Thing looked great in this movie. Look

They absolutely nailed the look of the Thing. And like I said, the end climax was pretty cool and Franklin was good. And that's it. Now let's go over it's many, many, many problems. Firstly, and like I just said, the thing I hated the most was Dr. Doom. This Dr. Doom is just as bad as Deadpool in Origins. He looks like a moron and his acting is so weird. And even before he became Dr. Doom, he was just this underdeveloped, vaguely, anti-social computer nerd that you just don't care about and then when he comes back, his suit looks like it's just a melted rubbish bag. They also try to make this movie a very serious movie. They tried to make this silly sounding concept a dark and gritty movie but it failed hard. Another thing I have to mention is how stupid something from the climax is. Before the fight Dr. Doom is blowing-up people's heads but then when he's fighting the four on the other planet, he just tries to fight them with rocks. Why didn't he just try to blow-up their heads too? It just doesn't make any sense. And I kinda feel bad for the actors because they're having to say all these things and in some aspects it's O.K mainly because these are very talented actors but they don't really work because the things they're saying is just not interesting. The pacing in the movie is also off. There's a lot of time, and I do mean a lot of time spent at the beginning before they get their powers. Then they do get their powers and like I said, it skips ahead a year, they get back together, Dr. Doom shows up for less than twenty minutes, he dies then that's the end. It was so chopped together. And the climax, while it is one of the better parts of the movie, is completely out of nowhere. And another huge problem is that it's trying to lead to another Fantastic Four movie. As in a sequel. Just like the M.C.U. But they shouldn't have because this movie is just terrible and we all know that Fox should just let Marvel have the Fantastic Four right back. Especially after this movie. There was also a really weird tone. At first it's like a grown up kids movie, then it's a science building movie with a love-triangle, then it's a horror movie and then it's a comic book fighting movie. It did fit at all. The tonal and pacing problems also made this a really boring movie. It was beyond predictable at the end. And remember all the awesome action with the four fighting Dr. Doom and the Thing fighting as well. Most of it was either not in the movie or just shown on a TV in the background. And, while it looks like a lot of people put a lot of hard work into the movie, it almost feels like they didn't. So, overall, this movie has a couple of moments. A couple. But all and all, it's boring, it takes itself way too serious, it has one of worst villains in comic book movie history or maybe even in movie history and you really just shouldn't watch it. So, yeah. As you can tell, I'm saying to absolutely skip this movie because it's beyond horrendous. Thank you all for reading and please comment down below and tell me what you thought of this review.

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