Sunday 26 June 2016

My top 10 Deadpool movie lines

In this entry, I'm counting down my top 10 favourite lines from the Deadpool movie. Note before we continue. If you're not 15, don't read this because there will be bad words in this and that's exactly what Deadpool does and his fellow characters. And so yeah, as I've said before, Deadpool is one of the funniest comedies I've ever seen in my life and the lines are also some of the best and quotable I've ever heard. And so I'm counting down my top 10 favourite lines right now.
10. "I can't tell you. But it does rhyme with "Polverine": Starting us off is the quote that had Deadpool making fun of Wolverine where he's making he's mainly attacking Origins, which is obvious. And it gives us a clear idea of what's to come for the rest of the movie. And this was one of the perfect ways to hate on other movies.
9. "Shhhhhit... did I leave the stove on": This is something he says during the car on highway scene. This was actually shown in the second trailer and when it came out, people absolutely burst out laughing and it's easy to see why. Just in the middle of this incredibly brutal action scene, he slowly pops his head out of the car and asks us if he left his stove on. How crazy is that?
8. "Oh, I so pity the dude who pressures her into prom sex": Another scene that was in the trailer, this has Deadpool commenting on Negasonic Teenage Warhead's power and saying that, well yeah. No one should mess with her or do anything "wrong" with her. And the fact that it's that he says is incredible. I almost can't go through that scene without thinking about a trailer reaction of the trailer I saw on YouTube and two people laughing hard at it. And I also laugh incredibly hard at it because it's a funny scene.
7. "Oh... I wouldn't do that if I were you": This is when Wade is at the Mutation place where he thinks they're trying to cure him but in actuality, they're trying to make him a slave. At one point, Wade begins to annoy Ajax with his talking and Ajax says that if he doesn't shut-up, he'll sew his mouth shut. And he says he should do that because, well, yeah. The whole Origins thing. We all know what he means and it still makes me laugh
6. "And please don't make the super suit green. Or animated": One of the biggest things tat we all knew before the movie came out is that there was going to be a scene they made fun of Green Lantern. Thankfully they did and they did it in the perfect way by having Wade ask them not to go the same route DC made when making that stupid Green Lantern movie. And because Ryan Reynolds was in both of those movies, it made it that much more funny.
5. "Ripley, from Alien 3": I actually haven't scene an of the Alien movies but I do understand the joke here. It happens when Deadpool goes to the X-Mansion and Negasonic Teenage Warhead opened the door and he saw that she looks just like Ripley from Alien 3. And it was so funny. I heard some people were actually thinking of that and then Deadpool said it. Almost like he was reading their minds or something. I don't know, that's just what I've been hearing.
4. "THAT DOES IT": In this scene, Colossus and Negasonic Teenage Warhead show up at the bridge and try to recruit Deadpool while he's attacking Ajax. While their talking, Ajax manages to escape and Deadpool gets angry at Colossus and he tries to attack him but when he does, he breaks 3 of his limbs because Colossus is made out of metal. And that scene was just amazingly funny, no doubt about it. I would say the second time he tries to punch him is the funniest part because he tries to punch in between his legs but when he does, the bones in his hand just shatter. That makes he die of laughter every time I see it. And you all know what I mean and you know that it makes you laugh hard too.
3. "What do you expect? Sam Jackson to show?": This was said during the end-credit scene. It's just Deadpool taking a shot at the M.C.U. Which I guess is pretty surprising but I suppose it is  funny to see them attack the M.C.U and reference Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury. And the fact that FOX was allowed to do that to Marvel studios is also surprising and hilarious and I hope the sequel does a bigger attack at it.
2. "In the sequel... we're gonna have Cable": This was another thing that was said during the end-credit scene. It actually isn't funny but it does solidify the fact that there is going to be a sequel and Cable is going to be in it and I was so excited to see that. I think that it was genius to do it that way. I also do think that it's great to have something linking to a future sequel and I love how they did it.
And my number 1 favourite Deadpool line is... "It's almost like... the studio couldn't afford another X-Man": At number 1 is the biggest 4th wall break in the whole movie. It has Deadpool commenting on the fact the film's budget only allowed us to only see Colossus and Negasonic Teenage Warhead. That was the joke I laughed the hardest at in the film and probably the biggest anyone ever laughed at in the whole movie. Just this unexpected joke must have caught everyone off guard and still makes me laugh hysterically no matter how many times I see it and I'm sure you all agree with me. And those were my picks for top 10 best lines in Deadpool. Thank you all for reading and please comment down below and tell me what your favourite line in Deadpool is.

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