Wednesday 21 September 2016


So two years ago I did reviews for almost every Disney Classic. But I didn't review every one. And the reason for that is because I didn't see them before. But now, that's exactly what I'm going to do. I'm going to review every Disney Classic I didn't review back then. Note, I'm not going to do the 6 package movies again. I know I said that same thing when I did my paintings of Disney Classics characters but I might do those movies another time. But for now, I'm going to be reviewing the full-length Disney Classics I missed then now. So, lets start with Classic no. 3, Fantasia. This movie was made back in 1940. This movie doesn't even have a plot. It's just a series of events that happen and we hear music through out the whole thing with not one animated character saying a word. And it really works. It's practically phenomenal. This is a lot of people's favourite Disney movie. Especially given the fact that it's kind of an experience. The only person we hear talking is the composer as he's presenting these segments. And the segments themselves are really cool. There's one that explains the Dinosaurs as they live and then die. There's one with explaining nature. The most famous is the Sorcerer's Apprentice with Mickey Mouse and Yen Sid. In fact, this is the thing Mickey was in that gave him his real design we all know today. Then there's one with animals dancing. And the ending probably has the best. Night on Bald Mountain with Chernabog. This scene is incredible. It has my favourite music in the whole movie and the animation is absolutely incredible. Watch.
Chernabog himself is also really cool. He doesn't even say anything and yet he leaves you with incredible influence. Then there's the last one with the Ave Maria which is what beats Chernabog and the two segments coincide with each other tremendously. This was also Walt Disney's way of bringing back the popularity of Mickey. In fact, that's exactly what this entire movie was supposed to be originally. It was originally supposed to be the Sorcerer's Apprentice as a short film. Back then, Mickey was kinda losing popularity and he was Walt's favourite creation and he didn't want people to forget about him so he decided to do the Sorcerer's Apprentice but as the budget for it got bigger and bigger they decided to make an entire movie. And the end result is some amazing animation and amazing music. Overall, I like this movie a lot. I don't exactly love it, but it is definitely a great movie. Especially for the time. Though unfortunately, this movie didn't do good at the box office. It wasn't a bomb, it did fine. But the film itself cost a fortune to make and given the fact that it wasn't a huge financial success didn't exactly help. But this is still a movie to check out if you ever have the time.

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