Saturday 8 July 2017

The Lion Guard: Babysitter Bunga

So, again, I haven't spoken a lot about the Lion Guard lately and I suppose that's because there hasn't been a lot to talk about for a while. But now, two new episodes have come out and I'm going to do reviews for them. So let's get started with the first one, Babysitter Bunga. I actually had almost forgotten about these new episodes until a little recently when I remembered them all again. So I watched the two newly released episodes that came out yesterday and I will say, while I was really excited like I always am for new episodes of this show, I wasn't "that" much. Or at least, not as much as some of the more episodes that'll be out soon this month. But I was still excited and I watched them both and, while not some of my favourites ever, they're still good. What's the story? After a bunch of zebras are attacked by Reirei and the other jackals, Bunga helps a baby zebra and then he's asked to babysit it. Then a bunch of other animals ask him to watch they're kids for a while. So while Bunga is keeping an eye on them, he sorta takes a little bit of it too far and now the Lion Guard have to cope with not having him around for a while. Also, Reirei comes back and she has a plan to keep the Guard busy. Sorta. So, again, as I said before when I was talking about these upcoming new episodes, I was talking about the fact that the idea I had for this episode, with Bunga having to look after a bunch of young animals sounded like a good idea because that coulda opened up a lot of great and funny ideas. And, while I wouldn't say this episode takes all those ideas, it does take most of them and this episode is funny in parts, especially with Goigoi. And, like I said, there are some funny ideas I was thinking about that this episode does like how Bunga could think of a bunch of dangerous ideas to do with the young animals to almost get them killed. (Not literally, but, you know what I mean.) And, they do some of that. He does think of a bunch of funny and dangerous things to do with them, but I wouldn't say there were tons. I think there's only one real one and the rest is sorta, I wouldn't say safe, but, not as dangerous. The rest of the episode is good too. The Guard is trying to learn to do things without Bunga like trying to rescue an animal from a tree because Bunga's the best at doing that. So with these things not working out, they try to get along with it until he's ready to come back to them. The animation's still really good especially a lot of effects they used for it. And the cast is still amazing. Even some of the small cast like the parents who're trying to relax while Bunga's minding they're kids, the act from them is good and a lot of things they feel do feel like what tired parents like them would feel like because they're trying to relax for a little while and get some alone time. I will say the rest of the Guard isn't in this very much, which is fine because it is focused more on Bunga and Reirei. And that's good because Reirei is, I wouldn't say a great villain, but a decent one and an enjoyable one too. I actually don't think there's much to say about this episode because there's not much to it. I just told all of you my full real thoughts on it. It may not be much, but at least it's better than nothing, I suppose. Although, I have a feeling the next one, The Savannah Summit will be better and I can't wait to review it. For this one though, it's good again, but I don't think there's anything mind blowing or outstanding outside of a few funny scenes between Bunga and the kids. So yeah, again, sorry it's not very long, but I don't have a lot to say but tomorrow I'll post my review for the next review. Thank you all for reading and please comment down below to tell me what you think.

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