Friday 21 July 2017

The Lion Guard: Ono and the Egg

So, as most of you know, if you read my last Lion Guard episode news entry, I was saying that, even though I was kinda excited for this new episode, I wasn't super excited because from the title I could guess what was going to happen. And so, what did it really end up as? Well, it's pretty much what I was expecting, but there are some things I wasn't expecting to see. What's the story? Well, it is mainly what I predicted. A mother bird leaves her egg with Ono to watch while she's building a nest, but it hatches and sorta sticks around with him for a while but it's also always getting itself into trouble. And there's also this hawk who's just come to the Pride Lands trying to get her talons on the bird to eat. And so the other Lion Guard members are trying to find the mother bird trying to figure out what's going on. So, that's really the basics of the story and, thankfully, they don't focus as much time on Ono and the baby bird. They coulda easily just put all the focus on them and have the whole episode be about the bird annoying him throughout the whole thing. And, while do kinda do that, the episode is also mainly around the other members too and the hawk who's the villain of the episode. And I like that because, if it was just focused on Ono the whole time trying to stop the bird from killing itself while it also getting on his nerves for thinking he was it's parent, that woulda gotten really annoying really fast. And while, at times, it can get a little annoying, especially if you've seen this sorta premise be done before, it doesn't follow it as bad as a lot of other things that have tried this kinda story too. And while, yes, there are some problems, like some pacing in a few scenes, some awkward scenes and one scene in particular involving saving a bunch of hares, I still had fun while watching this again. This episode's animation is still good nothing different from the rest of the show, which isn't a bad thing, and it is still great looking. The song in this is the same as the recent songs from the show. And, if you read my last Lion Guard episode review, then you know what I think about them. And it's the same here. And as I said, I'm sure they'll get better in the next episode. Or movie, if you wanna call it that as it is being called. Really, I think the best way to describe this episode is that it's a surprise watch. Or at least it was for me because I didn't have much expectations for it. And, again, while not perfect and not one of my favourites, I still enjoyed it and I liked how it didn't have to get bogged down in the same kinda weird story basics. If you get the chance, see it if you want, but you're more than likely going to have problems with it. Still, not terrible and I think it's pretty okay as a stand alone episode. And so that's my quick review of Ono and the Egg. I'm super pumped for the Rise of Scar. I have no doubt that that'll be phenomenal and I can't wait for it. Thank you all for reading and please comment down below to tell me what you think.

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