Saturday 1 July 2017

Mulan 2

And so everyone, ending my reviews of the straight to video Disney sequels is the most despised one of all time, Mulan 2. When I've been doing these movies, there have been ones that I've loved and ones that I've hated. And this just might be the one I hate the most. I wanted to save the worst of these movies for the last. Oh, man, do I hate this movie. This has to be one of the most embarrassing things Disney has ever done. Why does this movie exist? It doesn't need to. Disney just wanted to make this so they could make more money and hope it would be good, but they failed. This is a horrible movie. Maybe one of the worst that they've ever done too. This movie has gotten so much hate from everyone and it's not hard to see why. It's just so awful. What's the story? So Mulan is at home training some kids who want to be warriors themselves. But then Shang comes by and proposes to her. She says yes but this is bad news for Mushu because according to some thing by the family spirits, or whatever, this means he doesn't have to look after Mulan anymore which means he's going to lose his job and his pedestal. So now he's determined to split them up so he doesn't lose his job. Yeah, he actually tries this. This is Mushu. This is the same likeable and funny character from the first movie. Here, he's the most despicable and unlikeable guy ever. But that's not all. So the emperor is having Mulan and Shang escort three princesses to some place to get married so two kingdoms can be united and they can fight the Huns who are about to invade. They even bring Yao, Ling and Chien-Po with them and they fall in love with the princesses and the princesses fall in love with them. But then they're wondering what to do. Get married to the princes they're supposed to marry, or marry the people they want to marry. Okay, I kinda understand that, but here's the thing, it's not like the other Disney movies where princesses are supposed to get married because of some kinda law or something like Jasmine, they have to get married because if they don't, everyone in China will die. That is completely different. But they're still acting like they don't know what to do. And while that's going on, Mushu is doing everything he can do spit up Mulan and Shang. Eventually they do break up but Mulan realises what really happened and she tries to get back together with him. But then guys attack and they all think Shang is dead. Mulan then thinks she has to marry one of the princes to unite the kingdoms and the ending is about as stupid and clichéd as you can imagine. And yeah, this is the ending. So Mushu tries to fix everything when Shang comes back, because he's not really dead, by explaining they don't have to marry the princes by pretending to be this huge dragon. So Mulan marries Shang and Yao, Ling and Chien-Po marry the princesses but, what about China? What happens after that? They never explain and they don't tell what happened with the alliance which means the Huns should have attacked. This doesn't make any sense. That kinda thing is just as dumb as you'd expect. The animation is also kinda strange. It looks pretty good, I guess, but it also has some strange moments too. Like, at times it's really rubbery and weird. And that can especially get weird moments like when Shang yells at Mulan in the forest.

That is horrifying and disturbing. Everyone has made fun of that and even some memes about it too online. And just like every other choice in this movie, they're all so bad and kinda insulting too. I mean, I really, really like this first movie. It's not one of my favourites, but's still a really good and entertaining movie. This is just an insult to Disney with unlikeable characters, nice but weird animation, a horrible premise, unfunny jokes, disturbing moments and, ya wanna know what makes me even angrier about this? This was directed by Darrell Rooney and Lynne Southerland. Darrell was the person who directed the Lion King 2. And so after that amazing movie that I absolutely love, he went on to do this piece of trash. It sucks so horribly. It really does. If you're curious about watching this movie, don't be. Don't watch this movie at all. Skip it and don't want to see it. Trust me. It is beyond horrendous. And so everyone that's my review of Mulan 2 and that ends my straight to video Disney sequels reviews. Thank you all so much for reading these for the past month. I've had a great time talking about these, especially the ones I love like Lion King 2 and Bambi 2, and I can't wait to talk about even more things in the future.

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