Friday 30 June 2017

Kronk's New Groove

Coming close to the end of these Disney straight to video sequels, this next one is the sequel to the Emperor's New Groove, Kronk's New Groove. When I started thinking about watching a lot of these sequels, Kronk's New Groove was one I was not looking forward to watching from what I heard people saying about it. It even have a 0% on Rotten Tomatoes. If even Mulan 2 didn't have that far of a score, then there was definitely something wrong. And boy was it not wrong about it being bad. This is another horrible one. Not the worst I've ever seen, but still bad. What's the story? Well, this is actually kinda like Tarzan & Jane where it's a bunch of stories put together for a movie. Kronk's dad is coming to visit but he's worried about that because he's afraid of him being disappointed in him for the job he has or had with Yzma. So we get three stories of him before he was with Yzma. The first is her wanting him back, the second is him in a romance and the third is him telling his dad that he has everything he wants. There isn't even anything funny. Which is so strange because the Emperor's New Groove is one of the funniest Disney Classics ever. Here, all the jokes are just bland, stupid and aren't funny. The animation is also odd because it looks like they're just trying to make the characters move weird and bounce strangely. Even the slapstick is pretty lame and stupid.  Another thing that's odd is that Kuzco is hardly in this either. He only in a scene or two explaining how he's in the movie and what he's doing. Why isn't he in this more? He was great as the loveable jerk in the first movie, here, he's barely in it at all like the Joker in Suicide Squad.
Image result for joker suicide squad
On top of that, the cast here is amazing like Patrick Warburton, Eartha Kitt, Tracey Ullman, John Goodman, John Mahoney, John Fiedler. These are funny actors but the lines they're saying aren't funny. Which is also strange because Kronk and Yzma were one of, if not, the best part of the first movie but they're not well used here.
See the source image
Again, I'm just gonna make this short because this is a short movie and it's so dumb. Just a bland, unfunny comedy that you should most likely skip. Thank you all for reading and please comment down below to tell me what you think.

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