Wednesday 21 June 2017

Pocahontas 2: Journey to a New World

One of the Disney sequels that I'm really surprised with is this one. And by that I mean I'm surprised they actually made a sequel to this because the first one wasn't very well received. I mean, people didn't hate it, but it's not a household name like a lot of the other Disney movies. So there being a sequel to it doesn't make a lot of sense. And what was it in reality? Just the kind you'd expect. More dumb and kinda phoned in boring story threads you've seen every where. Granted there are a couple things that aren't that horrible, but it's not anything ground-breaking. What's the story? It opens up with John Smith being killed by Ratcliffe which means he and his troops can invade Pocahontas's people. One man thinks this is wrong so Pocahontas agrees to go with them to make this stop. So she and the settlers go to England and now she has to learn to get used to being there and learning how to live properly there. And she manages to show the people there that her people can be very intelligent, peaceful and not savages. But from there we go into stupid territory again. Is there even any point to comparing the quality of the animation to the original because, well, the original was really good looking and even for a straight to video Disney sequel, this is still pretty good, but not anything special either. Speaking of the original, it's also kinda strange that in this one, you don't always know what's going to happen unlike the first movie where you knew everything that was gonna happen. Here, that's not really the case. Okay, there are predictable moments and it's still not  good story, but it's not as painful to sit through as much as other Disney sequels and their terrible stories. But that doesn't excuse the really dumb things in this too. There's the opening and ending to the movie that are so dumb. But even with that dumb stuff, there are a fair amount of good things like the songs are good, Pocahontas's voice actress is an amazing singer. And the animation, while not as good, leaves a pretty good impact. Like the expressions. There's a scene where Pocahontas and her friend are saying goodbye. They don't say anything but the expressions on their faces is so amazing. That's really strong. There are other scenes like that. But there are other times where that's taken out by some dumb talking scene like when the king is going crazy near the end. There are even more scenes that don't make sense like when it revealed at the end of the movie that John Smith isn't really dead and they show how. Like I said, it doesn't make sense. I also don't like the climax on the ship, which is so strange because the climax is usual the best part of some of these sequels. Not all of them, but some of them. But I don't like the one here because of the weird things that happen and they even sorta try to introduce some kinda weird magic thing inside the palace scene and it just gets so dumb and frustrating. I would say if you want to, watch some of it, but I wouldn't really recommend it. It's fine as it is I guess but it's still more on the really bad side. Again, check it out if you want, I'm just not checking it out again.

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