Monday 10 July 2017

The Lion Guard: The Savannah Summit

So on Saturday, I did a review for one of the new episodes of the Lion Guard, Babysitter Bunga and I found it enjoyable. Not fantastic like some other Lion Guard episodes, but still enjoyable. And so I started this episode sorta hoping it would be better and one of the better episodes we've gotten in a while. And so was it? Well, it's definitely better than Babysitter Bunga, but I don't think I can say it's one of the best episodes ever. Although, it is the best in a while. I would say since Lion Of The Outlands. The rest before this and after that episode have been good, but I think this might be the best since then. Not one of the best ever, but still. What's the story? It opens up with Mtoto hearing something going on at Pride Rock and the Guard see Makuu heading towards it. They attack him but then Simba tells them that he invited him for the Savannah Summit which is something the leaders of the Pride Lands do to work out ideas to make ideas to keep the peace. Makuu is the leader of the crocodiles which is why he's invited and he's telling everyone that he's changed and he has come to make things right. But then the other leaders are doubting him too as well as the Guard. So now it's them trying to decide what to do, trust him or not. So, from that, they manage to make one of best plots in the show in a while. Especially with the execution of it. This coulda gone down a really predictable route. It coulda been like this. Makuu acts like a good guy but he's just trying to trick everyone and then there's a fight. But it's not like that. It does something I wasn't expecting at all. Which is something I like in this show if it's done well. And I think this episode did do this one well. I also like how it didn't have to do the typical formula you'd usually see in the show as I said there. A lot of things they addressed here actually reminded me a little bit of Zootropolis. And by that I mean they do sort of a prejudice story with Makuu and the other animals. I was also sorta thinking that this is different from other episodes, not just because of what I said about that thing there with that prejudice thing, but there are also no actions scenes and Kion doesn't use the roar. He didn't use it in the last episode either. And so that whole aspect of this episode I really enjoyed and found to be interesting at points. Especially the big turning point for a specific character in particular. I won't ruin who just in case, but, even though I thought it was kinda odd and little out of place because I thought it didn't seem like the character, I still liked it. And I liked a lot of other aspects to this episode too. Especially the whole thing with the Lion Guard themselves getting sorta the wrong idea about Makuu. I guess that is kinda spoilers, but still. And it's great how they keep thinking he's about to do something but it never happens, surprisingly. And I found a lot of things in this episode really interesting too. And by that I mean I was never bored. There are also quite a few funny moments. Especially scenes between Bunga and Mtoto. I won't spoil that, but I thought it was pretty funny. And the Mufasa scene I thought was pretty moving too. Some of these episodes have a couple of second where Kion's talking to Mufasa for advice and the one here I thought was one of better scenes with that because it got him thinking a littler deeper. Really, the best I can say for this is that I think it's a huge improvement over the last few and I really enjoyed it. Sorry there isn't much to say, but everything I've talked about before in other Lion Guard episode reviews are the same here. The characters, voice cast and animation are all still amazing and I doubt that'll ever change. And this episode is definitely the best we've had in a while in my opinion from the presentation of the story and how the characters handle it. That's really all I can say I think. So yeah, I'm definitely recommending you check this out if you like the show. I can't wait for the next episodes coming out soon, especially the Rise of Scar. Thank you all for reading and please comment down below to tell me what you think.

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