Wednesday 4 May 2016

13 Marvel Cinematic Universe end credt scenes ranked

If you're an M.C.U fan like me, then you know to always stay in the cinema a little longer even after the credits because there's always at least 1 ore scene n there and now I'm rank the 13 that we have so far. End credit Marvel scenes are what everyone is most excited for because they always tease the next film or the next few films. And also they're just really cool. Also I'll be showing the scenes at the beginning of each one. So let's begin with number 13.
13. Iron Man 3:
Out of all of the end credit scenes in the M.C.U, this is the one that's not really important to the whole plot of the M.C.U and isn't that amazing. It has Tony explaining the entire story of Iron Man 3 to Bruce Banner who fell asleep and he missed it all. Not that it's bad and it is pretty funny, it's just that doesn't do anything that teases the next movie and is pretty odd. Even for the M.C.U.
12. The Incredible Hulk:
With just coming the success of the first Iron Man movie, the M.C.U used this movie's end credit scene to show Tony talking with General Ross that Nick Fury is putting a team together. And it's cool. We saw Nick Fury in the first Iron Man saying that and some people thought that they were going to go nowhere with it but this tease confirmed it to be true and that it's actually happening and that's what got people to talk about it and say "Wow, they're really doing this. A lot of Marvel heroes are going to be coming together and we'll get a real Avengers movie." It's almost like if it was suddenly seeming possible. That was the best part of that movie.
11. Thor:
Taking a traditional route of the M.C.U end credit scenes, this one has Eric Selvig meeting Nick Fury and Nick telling him about the Tesseract and that it has extraordinary power that may be able to help humanity and then Loki appears in a reflection on the wall next to Selvig and it almost looks like he's somehow manipulating him. While it was definitely cool to see Loki again and cool to see that he did survive the fall, it seems a little out of place and kinda weird. It might have just been me but I sorta feel like that's a little out of place. I can't exactly explain why. I just feel like that's just not how it should go down. But nonetheless it's still cool.
10. Iron Man 2:
This one showed us that there were more heroes out there and Thor was one of them when Coulson went to investigate his hammer. Which meant they made us more excited for the future of the world of Marvel superheroes. And it especially made people more excited given the fact that we were promised that something like this was going to happen with Nick Fury talking about getting the Avengers together.
9.  Captain America: The First Avenger:
While it's not exactly an end credit scene, it's a trailer that everyone was happy to see when they went to see this movie and it was awesome to finally get a true confirmation of the Avengers movie really happening in just under a year. And I'm pretty sure that people just couldn't wait for it to come out during the next year.
8. Guardians of the Galaxy:
These 2 credit scenes don't really have much to the story and really aren't important. But they're just hilarious. At first we see a baby Groot dancing while Drax sharpens his not noticing it. And the second on returns us to the Collector's destroyed museum and we see Cosmo the Space Dog licking his face and the unexpected Howard the Duck says that it's gross. When people saw Howard in this, they were completely caught off guard. No one could expect that that was going to happen. He's practically like an unknown character. But seeing him was really funny and kinda cool.
7. Avengers: Age of Ultron:
This is the second M.C.U credit scene that included Thanos. While it's not the second time we see him, it was awesome to see him again and showing that he's finally going to do something and not just sitting in his floating chair again. And it's obvious that this is set-up for Avengers: Infinity War, which as you all know is my most anticipated movie of all time.
6. Ant-Man:

Both of the scene here set up the 2 movies in the future. The first is where Hank shows his daughter Hope a new Wasp suit and that's for the Ant-Man and the Wasp movie in 2018. The second is what looks like Steve and Sam finding Bucky and his metal arm is trapped in a vice. Then Sam says "I know a guy and it's obvious that he's talking about Scott. Which, again, is really cool. It made us more excited to see Civil War and Scott back again.
5. Captain America: The Winter Soldier:
Both of these scenes set-up Avengers: Age of Ultron and the second sets-up Civil War. And both do it pretty well. The first scene introduces us to Baron VonStrucker in a hidden Hydra base and he's in possession of Loki's sceptre and 2 new characters, Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch. The second is Bucky going to a museum and reading something in the Captain America exhibit and finding out some things about his past which means he's beginning to remember who he is. And that second one definitely does set-up Civil War as well considering the fact that that's when we see Bucky again. And it's nice to see him again because throughout that movie when we does realise that it's Bucky, we know that he's not evil, he's just being brainwashed. And having him not beginning to remember who he is is awesome.
4. Thor: The Dark World:
While this may not seem like much, both these credit scene tell us something very, very important about the M.C.U. The first one is the most important where we see the Collector getting the Aether and his revealing that it's actually an Infinity Stone. Which is the first time we've ever heard that in these movies and we all know that the Infinity Stones will play an important role in the story in the future of the M.C.U. The second is Thor returning to Earth to be with Jane Foster and showing that the Frost Giant monster that we saw earlier is still loose, which is pretty funny.
3. Captain America: Civil War: Yeah as you can tell, because this is a new movie, there hasn't been the end credit scene posted on YouTube. But I already told you in my review about what they were. But yeah, the newest M.C.U movie takes the number 3 spot with it's end credit scene. Black Panther and Steve are now in Wakanda and they're most likely going to be on the same team in the solo Black Panther movie in 2018. And the second one where we cut back to Peter in his apartment and he looks at his new Spidy-Signal on his new web-shooter is obviously a set-up for Spider-Man Homecoming in 2017 and that one is my favourite out of that movie because I wanted to see more of Spider-Man when that movie ended and I got it and it was awesome.
2. Iron Man
Taking the number 2 spot is the very first credit scene in all of the M.C.U with Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury saying that he's starting up a team, which was the Avengers. Now some people got really excited because they knew what he was talking about. While a few people doubted it at first, the real fans of Marvel knew that it was really, really going to happen. And when you really think about it, it's pretty cool that Nick Fury not only revealed this to Tony, but to the entire world as well. The fact that that small scene made all of this possible is amazing. But, it's not number 1.
1. The Avengers:
The best M.C.U  movie of course gets the best end credit scenes. The first is the creature named the Other talking to another mysterious person and then he bows and says "to challenge them is to court Death." The mysterious creature then turns around and reveals himself to be the mad titan, Thanos. While movie lovers had no idea who he was, comic book fans like me knew exactly who he was and we all knew that there was more then we thought. The second credit scene has all the Avengers in a shawarma restaurant which is still one of the funniest credit scenes in the M.C.U. And speaking of Thanos, when the Other says "Death" to him. It's because in the comics and maybe even in the movies, Death is an actual being who Thanos is in love with but she's never really interested in him no matter what he does to please her by making anything lifeless. And so everyone, those are all the Marvel Cinematic Universe end credit scenes ranked. I hope you liked this and thanks for reading.

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