Monday 16 May 2016

My top 10 Family Guy episodes

(Warning: If you are not 15 years old, do not look at this. I REPEAT, DO NOT LOOK AT THIS. This is filled with a lot of inappropriate things for people under that age. And please keep that in mind because I'm also going to be showing clips and they're going to be filled with bad words, blood, gore, and something else that I'm not going to mention here because... of a reason. So let's continue.) So Family Guy is a TV show that resolves a family called the Griffins and their lives of weird and stupid situations. And it is a very funny show. The main character is Peter Griffin who's a fat and stupid person who's the father of the family and his wife is Lois and they have 3 kids. They're awkward daughter Meg, they're fat and stupid son Chris and they're genius, evil baby Stewie who hates Lois and plans to kill her someday. They also have a dog named Brian. There's also a lot of side characters. Peter frequently visits a bar where he meets his friends. Joe, who's a police man who's in a wheelchair, Quagmire, who's always wanting to "do it" with women all the time if you know what I mean and he always says "giggity, giggity goo", and Cleveland, the token black person who actually got his own spin-off show a few years ago. I'd say my favourite character is either Peter, Stewie or Brian. And here I'm counting down my top 10 favourite episodes from the entire TV show. Let's start.
10. Life Of Brian: In this episode Brian is killed after getting run over by a car. After he dies and there's a funeral for him, Stewie uses his return pad to go back in time and save him. Watch.
Yeah, watch an earlier episode to know what a return pad is. I would say this is a different kind of move for the show. There's not that much comedy here. I mean there is some funny scenes ever once in a while, but it's mostly drama. And it's rare for Stewie to actually save someone. And toss in a lot of colourful things happening and this episode has all the hallmarks of a Family Guy classic.
9. PTV: This episode is basically one big screw you to network sensors. After the FCC begins to sensor all TV, Peter decides that the only option is to start his own network. But the network doesn't like it they begin to sensor everything. By far, my favourite part is Homer Simpson's cameo. Yeah they did that before. They had a crossover with the Simpsons and that was also a good episode but it's not here. And there's also that funny FCC song.
8. Patriot Games: After Peter meets an old friend at a reunion, the friend named Tom Brady recruits him from the New England Patriots. Of course Peter messes it up and then gets traded to London's Silly Nannies. Meanwhile Stewie is expecting Brian to pay him back. But when he can't, Stewie beats the crud out of him. Watch.
There's everything here, comedy, offensive historical references and a song sequence.
What more could you ask for in a Family Guy episode?
7. Blue Harvest: With no electricity to keep them entertained, the Griffins tell each other the greatest story ever told. Star Wars. With every member of Family Guy being a character from the movie. And not to mention shot by shot remakes of the original movie. And a lot of celebrity voices everywhere. And everything you loved in the Star Wars movie is in this and a lot more and by that I mean Family Guy doing things to mess it up and do their own thing which is weird but funny. There's Chris as Luke, Lois as Leia, Peter as Han, Brian as Chewie, Stewie as Vader, Hewbert as Obi-Wan, Quagmire as C-3PO and Cleveland as R2. This episode was also so popular they even made 2 more with the Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi.
6. Believe It Or Not, Joe's Walking On Air: If you were to ask me where an episode's comedy came mostly from the visuals, I would say that that's this one. After having enough of not being able to walk, Joe gets a new pair of legs and begins to do all sorts of physical activities with Peter, Cleveland and Quagmire and it begins to wear them down and so he gets new friends and begins to act like a jerk around everyone. Easily the best part is, again, the physical things. The best ones being when Joe is the 3 of them like in his house or at the gym because it's extremely fast and funny. And there's one scene with Bonnie trying to shoot Joe's spine to break his legs again and that's also funny.
5. No Meals On Wheels: In this episode, Peter gets feety pyjamas and begins to static electrocute everyone. But when everyone's had enough, Lois decides to remove all the carpets. When they do, they find an 18th century Road Island ship token. And they sell it for 50 grand. With it they buy their own restaurant but after Joe and his fellow friends in wheelchairs, Peter wants to shut the place down because he wanted the place to be cool and he thinks having people in wheelchairs there all the time isn't cool. And after a failed attempt to keep tem away from the restaurant and getting himself in a wheelchair Peter apologies to Joe and invites him to the restaurant the next day. Definitely the best part of this is when we see Peter trying to keep them away and they form the Crippletron. Don't ask.
4. Stewie kills Lois and Lois kills Stewie: After Peter and Lois leaves Stewie and the others back while they go on a cruise,  Stewie uses a simulation to imagine a world where he kills Lois on the cruise and then takes over the world. Bloody, violent and beyond unbelievable, this 2 parter has everything. Also, watch this awesome fight.
And having it be a simulation in real life is genius.
3. Road To The Multiverse: This episode gives Stewie and Brian a special remote that let's them travel to different dimensions and the rest is them going through different animation universes like Flintstones references, Disney references, Robot Chicken references and even a Live Action universe. That's my favourite part. There's practically every different kind of animation style you can think of and of course that Live Action one.
2. Emission Impossible: Someone on this show really loves Star Wars, but really, who doesn't? In one of his most diabolical plans ever, Stewie attempts to stop his parents from brining in another baby. He does so by shrinking himself down, entering Peter's body and shooting all his sperm. But while there, he meets his brother to be and new found enemy, Bertram. Who proves to be a formidable opponent.
And my number 1 favourite Family Guy episode is... And then there were fewer: This episode is perfect. It's a murder mystery Family Guy style. When James Woods invites the people of Quahog to his mansion to make amends for his misdeeds, everything goes wrong and people end up dead and the whole episode is just a mystery to find who the murderer is while also trying to stay alive themselves and there's 4 or 5 people who get killed. (Spoiler.) It's news anchorist Diane Simmons who's the murderer and the episode ends with Stewie saving, yes, SAVING his mother's life. I can't exactly explain why this is my favourite. I guess it's because it's extremely entertaining and fun to watch over and over. And, of course the comedy is there and it's everywhere. And everyone those are my top 10 favourite Family Guy episodes. Please comment telling me what your favourite is and thanks for reading.

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