Thursday 12 May 2016

My top 10 favourite YouTubers

(First off, I just want to say that if you're not 12 or 15, don't look at this because there may be a couple of things that are kinda inappropriate. Keep that in mind.) This is something I was actually kinda iffy on. I originally didn't know if I should do this, but after seeing something a few days ago, it convinced me to do it. I love YouTube and I especially like it when YouTubers I'm subscribed to make more videos and here I'm counting down my top 10 right now. The reason I originally didn't entirely want to do t is because  thought maybe if any YouTubers might read this and get the wrong ideas. But I think it will be pretty cool to write this. One more thing, I might show a few videos from 1 or 2 of these. Maybe. Anyway, let's begin.
10. Man At Arms: This is a guy who's actually a blacksmith and he likes to make actually fictional weapons from games, TV shows, animes and movies. Here's a couple.
And I think these ones are awesome. My favourite is when he makes the Kingdom Key from Kingdom Hearts. Definitely check out some more of his stuff.
9. Honest Trailers: There was actually a new one of these posted a few days ago that was one I was hoping would be made and that's the Deadpool one. Anyway what these guys do is that they do a sort of trailer like thing while also doing a quick funny review of it while also trying to make it sound like an actual trailers. Watch these.
And they even do Honest Trailers for games including Kingdom Hearts. Ain't that weird?
8. Death Battle: This is a channel where 2 fictional characters from different things come together to fight and it's hosted by 2 people. My favourite fights are probably Deadpool vs. Deathstroke, Mario vs. Sonic, Luigi vs. Tails or Darth Vader vs. Doctor Doom. Here's a few.
And I'm constantly waiting for the to put Sora into a fight against anyone. I don't care who he goes up against but I just want to see him. But either way, I really like Death Battle.
7. Uncommon Reviews: I would say my favourite member of the Uncommon crew is Andrew, mainly because he does reviews for movies I really enjoy like Marvel, Star Wars, Pixar and some other things like that and he even did a top 14 Pixar movies in 2013. He recently did his review for Civil War and I really enjoyed that and I'm looking forward to his X-Men: Apocalypse review which I hope will be coming soon.
6. Clevver Movies: I've actually talked about these ones already a few times before. They do a good amount of things like shows clips from a new movie coming out or a new trailer or share some news about a new movie coming out but my favourite thing they do are rankings and that's what inspired me to be doing rankings as well. Look.
And, again, do watch more stuff because it's great.
5. BHL Hudson: This is actually the guy who inspired me to make this list. It was when he recently made his Q & A and when I watched something on it, I thought it would be a good idea to make this. Anyway, I guess what I really like about his videos is that, again, he likes a lot of same things I do like comic book movies, certain movies, some shows and some stories. And I especially like seeing his Marvel and DC movie reviews and his best and worst videos. Here are a few

And so yeah, I do think he's a great YouTuber and one of my favourites.
4. Skyward Wing: I guess the reason I really like him is because he likes a lot of the same games as me like Kingdom Hearts, Smash Bros. and Final Fantasy. I also really like his "Road to Kingdom Hearts 3" videos where he did a Let's Play on every Kingdom Hearts game. Which is weird for me because I usually don't like Let's Plays. And I also enjoy his top Kingdom Hearts lists as well. There are also his reactions where he reacted to Cloud's reveal in Smash Bros.
3. Watchmojo: Do I even need to explain this one? I mean everyone should know what Watchmojo is. It's arguably the most popular channel on YouTube. They do over 3 top 10 lists everyday and I have no idea where they get their ideas from and they do some of my favourite videos ever as well like these ones.
I would say subscribe but chances are that you already have.
2. Nostalgia Critic: The Nostalgia Critic is a YouTuber I've liked for a long time. I think the first time I watched a video of his was his top 11 Disney villains list and I remember laughing at that a lot. Speaking of which, he is indeed hilarious. Maybe the funniest YouTuber I know. The funniest joke he has, in my opinion, is when he's always screaming "Bat Credit Card" from Batman & Robin. Speaking of Batman, he's probably the biggest fan for Batman I've ever seen because he's always talking about him. But I suppose my favourite thing he does is his Disneycember and DreamWorks-uary review which is where he reviewed all reviewed all the Disney movies, animated, live action, M.C.U movies, Star Wars movies, Pixar movies and DreamWorks movies. That's probably my favourite. Definitely check those out because I think they're great and I also enjoy his other top 11 lists. I think they're pretty funny.
And my number 1 favourite YouTuber is... Chris Stuckmann: O.K. Just one quick thing. I'm not exactly saying that Chris Stuckmann is my favourite YouTuber. It's just that I could pick who my number 1 absolute favourite is but I knew I had to make this so I just putting him here even though he's tied with a few others as my absolute favourite. Anyway, I absolutely love a lot of Chris's reviews like his Marvel and DC movie reviews and a few of his Disney and Pixar reviews and especially his Star Wars reviews. I actually find him to be a very nice guy. He actually recently published a book and you're able to buy it on Amazon and it's called the Film's Buff's Bucket List. I'm actually hoping to get it myself soon. Anyway, I guess I'll continue by saying how, a few days a go he did his Captain America: Civil War review and I was very excited to see that and I was very happy how he did it. I also enjoyed his Deadpool review and X-Men: Apocalypse review and his Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice review. I also mainly like his Star Wars reviews, which, as I've said before, are what inspired me to do my own reviews. Here's a few.
And so yeah, everyone those were my top 10 favourite YouTubers. I hope you enjoyed and definitely check these guys out more because they do great stuff with their channels. Please comment and thanks for reading.

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