Wednesday 11 May 2016

My top 10 favourite action scenes in comic book movies

The main thing that people mostly look forward to in comic book movies are the action scenes. While we definitely are excited to see the characters, we always are having our expectations very, very high for the incredible action and here I'm going to count down my top 10 favourite action scene in comic book movies and that includes all universes like the M.C.U, DC and the X-Men. Also don't read this if you're under 12 because I'm going to showing a few of them and people under that age might not like this, so keep that in mind. Anyway, let's begin.
10. Batman vs. Bane (The Dark Knight Rises):
You can definitely tell that this is by far the best fight scene in that entire trilogy. Both Batman and Bane are supposed to be pretty equal here and it's great to and at the end, Batman overpowers Bane and defeats him. And the speed of their moves are very quick. Exactly how you would expect these 2 characters to go.
9. Deadpool vs. Ajax (Deadpool):
I would say the best part about this fight scene is probably how fast it is and how great the actors execute their moves. For example, there's a few seconds where Ajax kicks him into something then he throws one of his axes at him but the Deadpool catches it and throws it back to him but he hits it away with his other axe then Deadpool does a quick flipping jump kick towards him. That was awesome to see. And the rest is both amazing and funny.
8. Wolverine vs. Lady Deathstrike (X-Men 2):
Seeing how X-Men 2 is still one of my favourite comic book movies ever, it also has an awesome scene between Wolverine vs. Lady Deathstrike. Just the fact that this movie came out in 2003 and having it be this good is really impressive. But either way, it's still really cool and Brian Singer was definitely great with the directing of this whole scene. And it's just 2 Adamantium clawed and recovering mutants just constantly hitting each other and it's only finished with Wolverine having to use more Adamantium to defeat her.
7. Spider-Man vs. Doc Ock (Spider-Man 2):
As much as I love the action in the action in the Amazing Spider-Man movies, even I can't deny that this is an amazing fight scene. I'm talking about the train scene. It's incredibly creative, fast and the energy in this is astonishing. And the way each move is executed feels real and it does have this sense of coolness when, at the end of it, the hero doesn't necessarily win. Well, yeah, I mean he does save all of those people but before that, Doc Ock kinda escapes and then when he shows up again, he just knocks Spidy out. It's actually kinda hard what else to really say about this. I mean it's something that a lot of people have talked about so you've pretty much heard it already. But to end it, it's definitely an awesome action scene and it' looks great technologically.
6. Captain America vs. the Winter Soldier (Captain America: The Winter Solider):
The main thing I'm going to say about this is exactly what I'm going to say for a later one and that's that the choreography is outstanding. The best part is the part with the knife. It's fast, perfectly shot and has a lot of great things in it to keep anyone entertained. And it's not just Steve doing the fight that's a good guy. Natasha and Sam are also great in it too.
5. Batman vs. Superman (Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice):
While this movie does have amazing and fantastic fight scenes in it like the last Doomsday fight and the warehouse one, it's the actual Batman vs. Superman fight that is the best. It's just always going and going it's over 6 or 7 or 8 minutes long. Yes the reason as to why they stop the fight is absolutely stupid and probably the worst way they could have but the fight itself is terrific. And get this. I originally thought that the metal suit that Batman wears was real. Like Ben Affleck was really wearing it. But no, it's C.G.I. I know that has nothing to do with this, but I just thought I would bring it up. But as for the fight itself, it's phenomenal and it felt like Dark Knight Returns leapt from the page onto the screen.
4. The Avengers vs. the Chitauri (The Avengers):
Definitely the best part of this final fight in my opinion is the fact that it's fast paced, intense, larger than life and we have every Avenger going up against the best M.C.U villain ever. And, on top of that, it's long. In the action scene in the previous M.C.U movie up until this point haven't exactly been that long. But here, it's goes on for about almost a half hour and when it ends with the mother ship exploding, it just ends on a perfect note because you got exactly what you wanted during the fight. And after all, every Avenger does what you want them to do. The Hulk jumps around and smashes everything, especially that huge one in the face, if you've seen the movie you know what I mean, Iron Man's using all the gadgets in his armour, Captain America throws his shield, Thor is throwing his hammer and launching lightning, Black Widow's using her guns and agility and Hawkeye's shooting all his arrows. You literally can not ask for anything more. It's perfect.
3. The chase scene between Captain America, the Winter Soldier and Black Panther (Captain America: Civil War):
This is actually an action scene where, when you really think about it, doesn't have much action. And by that I mean there's no fist fights. It's all just running or driving with Bucky trying to get away, T'Challa chasing him and Steve chases him. And it all looks great. It's the first time we see Black Panther at all and in action and it's great to see him. Just the look of the scene is also awesome to look at. And there's a cool scene where Steve begins to drive a car but then T'Challa hops on it to catch up. And it's incredible to see that all this is actually real. Yeah, When we see the actors running through the tunnels, it's real. They're really running that fast and the cars that pass by are really driving by and they're running near them. So, as much as I love this scene, there's still 1 action scene I think is the best ever.
2. Captain America and the Winter Soldier vs. Iron Man (Captain America: Civil War):
This is the fight in all of Civil War that the whole movie was building up to. Cap vs. Iron Man in a fist fight and once again, the Russo's are masters of directing and when the 3 of them have their final fight, it's beyond intense because you think you know what's going to happen in the end and you think that maybe someone will die. Thankfully no one dies, but you would think that someone will. And it's incredibly clever when Tony has the idea to copy Steve's moves so he'll be able to predict them. And it's also cool when, at the last shot, Steve uses his shield to impale Tony's chest and almost destroy his arc reactor which almost kills him. That's actually kinda scary.
And my number 1 favourite action scene in a comic book movie is... Team Iron Man vs. Team Cap (Captain America: Civil War):
Yeah, you knew it had to be here. This is probably the best fight I've ever seen, not only in any comic book movie, but any movie I've seen in my life. This is the Russo brothers at their best. They are by far the best directors to direct any action in my opinion. In fight you get everything you've wanted and more. And the strange part about it is that it's not hero vs. villain. It's hero vs. hero. And it's just the heroes we've seen before in the M.C.U. There's more like Black Panther and Spider-Man and even Ant-Man gets to meet the Avengers now and he even sorta becomes one himself. Again, sorta. And, remember what I said about the Avengers climax and I said how you got everything you wanted? Well here, you do get everything you want but also get a whole, whole lot more like the amazing choreography and jaw dropping stunts. the stunt team in this movie to be praised. They did literally the best action I've ever seen. And everyone, those were my top 10 favourite action scenes in comic book movies. Thanks for reading and please comment telling me what you're favourite is.

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