Friday 27 May 2016

My top 5 favourite Marvel movie directors

So this is a list I came up with a while ago and I really needed to post something because my stats are going down because I haven't posted anything since Monday and the reason for that is because, for one thing I couldn't think of anything to write and the second reason is because I've been really busy with things in my life. I mean I had my summer exams to study for and to do them and I only got my summer holidays off school yesterday and today I was busy around my house with cleaning up and doing some other things like doing some quick stuff with doing what I like to do. Anyway, here I'm going to name my top 5 favourite Marvel directors. Please note that I'm not just talking about the M.C.U directors, but also the ones from the other Marvel movies as well. So with out further ado, let's get started.
5. Bryan Singer: Once again, I haven't seen X-Men: Apocalypse just yet, but aside from that, this guy really does know what he's doing in all the movies. At first he did the first 2 X-Men movies, then 2014's Days of Future Past and know Apocalypse, which is said to be his last X-Men movie which is pretty sad because he's by far the best X-Men director ever. While Matthew Vaughan and James Mangold were pretty good, especially Matthew Vaughan because he did First Class. But either way, Bryan Singer is definitely the best one for making entertaining and interesting movies and well as being able to make very great and interesting dialog and connections like between James McAvoy's Professor X and Michael Fassbender's Magneto or really anything like that. And his action is also incredible.
4. Tim Miller: This is the person who directed Deadpool. And he had never directed another thing before. And let me ask you something. Can you tell? No, I don't think you can because it was so well directed and this guy really does know how directed over the top and crazy action like that. And that's exactly what Deadpool needs in a movie like this. And he's apparently going to be redoing the directing for next year's Deadpool 2 and I can't wait to see what he brings to it like the new characters like Cable and the others.
3. Jon Favreau: Now we're onto the M.C.U directors. It's strange to see that Jon could actually do an amazing comic book movie like Iron Man. And by that I mean the fact that he apparently did a movie before it that was apparently  a bad movie according to a lot of people. And so here he did manage to direct a great film and he did a fantastic job and brought together the first film in the M.C.U and helped people to really love Iron Man along with Robert Downey Jr. And let's all be happy that he did.
2. Joss Whedon: The fact that this guy was able to direct a ton of people together and how fast each one was is amazing. And when I say that I mean with the fight in New York and it's surprising that there so many things happening and so many heroes moving and fighting and I find it amazing that he manage to keep that all in control and managed to make it entertaining and spectacular to watch. While he was supposed to be the director of Avengers: Infinity War parts 1 and 2, he actually turned down the job because he was tired from Age of Ultron. But yeah, I do believe that Joss Whedon is a great director and he's also really good at balancing the characters which allow them to get a decent amount of attention in the movies. He also had great dialog for these characters that he also understood very well. And it's great to see that because it's basically watching the Avengers together and talking to each other and fighting bad guys together. And Joss Whedon did it flawlessly.
And my number 1 favourite Marvel director is... the Russo Brothers: Yeah I said director there because I didn't want you to know instantaneously even if you could guess it. But anyway, these 2 definitely know how to handle action. the best part about any of their action is the hand to hand stuff that everyone loves and they also do it great when it comes to watching them do long takes. What I mean by that is that fact that it's like the chase scene in Civil War between Cap, Bucky and Black Panther. The way it was choreographed and shot made it amazing. And there was also great camera work in the Cap and Bucky vs. Iron Man and a lot of that is definitely because of the stunt team, who, in my opinion, did some of the best stunt work I've ever seen in a comic book movie and the Russo Brothers absolutely killed it with knowing exactly how to do Avengers type fight which everyone loves including myself. They also know how to make the character's interesting and intriguing, just like Joss Whedon. It's really hard to know what else to say. I mean these guy's fights are honestly some of, if not the best action in any comic book movie and I can't wait to see what they do with Avengers: Infinity War. And so everyone, those are my picks for my 5 favourite Marvel directors. Please comment down below  and tell me who your favourite is and thanks for reading.

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